ISIS-inspired massacre in New Orleans demands a response
The incoming Trump administration must prioritize action over platitudes to counter Jihadist extremism. Opinion.
The incoming Trump administration must prioritize action over platitudes to counter Jihadist extremism. Opinion.
Seth J. Frantzman's book avoids casting blame and focuses on the processes that the Gazan terrorists used to accomplish the October 7 massacre, the processes of Israel's response and the resilience and heroism of ordinary Israelis. Review.
The story of a barbaric massacre overcome by supreme bravery, infinite sacrifice, painful loss, and hope born from darkness. Op-ed.
Many Jews were killed in a 14th century Simchat Torah massacre . Jewish history tends to repeat itself, but so does our resilience to the world's evil.
Minister of Transportation, Miri Regev, addresses criticism of her appointment as organizer of the 10/7 anniversary ceremony, adding: 'The ceremony will take place without an audience. It will not be broadcast live.'
The government unanimously approved a National Day of Remembrance to be held on the 24th of Tishrei, to commemorate the October 7th massacre and the Sword of Iron War.
Recognizing a Palestinian State will ensure that October 7th is remembered as Palestinian Independence Day, a holiday and a reward for terror. How October 7th will be remembered is a question of history. Op-ed.
Natalie Sanandaji, a survivor of the massacre at the Supernova Music Rave on October 7, tells Arutz Sheva that she speaks out to put a face on the story of that terrible day.
UNRWA fired the workers who took part in the massacre. Does something sound wrong in that sentence? Opinion.
'We have to tell our children and grandchildren to remember and never forget. And we have to teach them who are friends are and who are enemies are.' Interview.
Anti-Israel activist Mohammed el-Kurd accidentally told the truth when he said ‘we must normalize massacres as a status quo.’ The goal of South Africa’s ‘genocide’ charge and anti-Israel protests is to normalize Oct. 7 and make massacres of Jews, like the Holocaust, normal. Op-ed.
It is 3 months since the Simchat Torah massacre on October 7, a date that will join the days of mourning in Jewish history. Opinion.
Nova music festival survivor speaks to Arutz Sheva about the Tel Aviv exhibit recreating the scene of the massacre and how he survived.
This is an article I wrote two months ago, shortly after the Oct 7th massacre, and it is more true today than ever. Opinion.
Jews had come to assume that the Holocaust would “never again” happen; now we know that if it could, it would. Op-ed.
Muslim shepherds accused of carrying out 3-day massacre in over 20 Christian villages in Nigeria's Plateau state.
Ending the two-state delusion is the best response to the October 7 massacre. Opinion.
Close to 90% oppose PA leader Abu Mazen and call for his resignation
Every Arab murder spree makes their state less of a possibility. But they don't really want one anyway, they just want to kill Jews.Op-ed.
The Clarity Coallition has stepped in to publicly condemn the Hamas’ massacre against Israel, defending Western civilization.Op-ed.
He just kept driving back and forth, bringing people to safety. A saga of bravery.
Many Israelis worried about the security risks, citing occasional laborers involved in terrorist acts. It was much worse. Op-ed.
Coming full circle: 13th Battalion forces in Gaza find equipment belonging to battalion soldiers, stolen on the day of the massacre
October 7, 2023 marked the start of the War for Civilization. The Am Israel Chai war. Op-ed.
Police collect 700 testimonies from survivors of October 7 massacre, 50,000 videos from attack in biggest investigation in Israeli history.
An editorial column in the Wall Street Journal underscores Hamas's hypocrisy.
Dozens of MKs watch video shown to foreign media showing the extent of Hamas' atrocities in southern Israel, some could not watch to the end
There are those whose vile deeds desecrate the image of God and those whose lives are a testimony to God's presence in this world.
The UN which Mr. Guterres leads helped create the conditions for Hamas to commit the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Op-ed.
IDF publishes footage from interrogation of terrorist who was captured following the Simchat Torah massacre, including orders to rape.
A smell I have never smelled before. It’s complicated to explain. Actually, maybe it's better that I don't try at all.
In Nahal Oz, 25 residents are known to have been murdered, the fate of 80 others remains unknown.
The depraved frenzies of bloodshed shown by Hamas have entered the collective mind of the West itself. Opinion.
i24NEWS Correspondent Nicole Zedek describes the 'smells of death' while reporting from devastated Kfar Aza.
Gather them up. Ship them out, and quickly, before the High Court gets a chance to review the case and turn everything upside down. Op-ed.
'There were 11 hostages. Two were killed yesterday morning, 9 at the airport...They’re all gone.' And the world still hasn't learned Op-ed.
On that Sabbath in 1929, the first piece of the Holy Land purchased by a Jew became occupied territory. The British stood by, 67died. Op-ed.
If horrific Islamist massacres of Christians are subject to Democrat word laundering, what can Israel expect? Op-ed.
June 2, 2022 marks 81 years since the brutal massacre of Baghdad's thriving Jewish community; one of the oldest in the world.
The teenager charged with the shooting was reportedly so terrified of the virus, he wore protective gear during the massacre.
'Come see the bodies and the raped women.' Ukrainian ambassador calls on FM to visit Kyiv district after Liberman questions massacre claims.
International ceremony held marking 80 years since the Babi Yar Massacre and inaugurating the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center in Kyiv.
80 years after Babyn Yar Holocaust massacre, a German lawyer seeks trial for last living alleged perpetrator.
There is a Jewish and moral imperative to remember those murdered in the ravine of death and ensure their names are not forgotten. Op-ed.
Parliamentary measure also asks municipalities to tend to Jewish cemeteries and name public spaces after righteous among the nations.
All the news that’s fit to print? Ignored by the media, the 43.000 Christians killed by Jihad in Africa are not deemed newsworthy. Op-ed..
The Chabad movement marked the 65-year-anniversary of the horrific massacre in Kfar Chabad carried out by fedayeen terrorists.
ISIS, Islamist terrorists and the threat of Jihad have obscured the genocidal tragedy Bosnian Muslims sufferered at the hands of the Serbs.
During the 1929 Arab pogroms, 1 out of every 1,000 Jews was killed. It was as if 6,500 Jews would be murdered in Israel today.
Washington, D.C., man who praised Pittsburgh murder suspect, said victims 'deserved' to die, pleads guilty to gun charge.