Marmara Incident: 'You Don't Compensate Enemies'
Attorney urges Netanyahu not to compensate families of Turk terrorists from Marmara, warns of dangerous precedent.
Attorney urges Netanyahu not to compensate families of Turk terrorists from Marmara, warns of dangerous precedent.
Turkish-Israeli talks to end a diplomatic crisis between the two countries are on track, says a Turkish official.
Despite the still tense relations between the countries, Turkey's President invited a senior Israeli diplomat to a reception on August 30.
Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister says his country will not be satisfied with Israel simply paying compensation to the Marmara victims.
71% of Israelis believe Israel's apology to Turkey was not justified, finds new poll.
Turkish and Israeli officials have come "close" to a deal on compensation for the 2010 raid on the Mavi Marmara.
Turkey and Israel are close to signing a deal involving payments to relatives of dead terror activists.
Bayit Yehudi minister – "No country is doing Israel a favor by restoring ties with it."
Before Turkey normalizes ties with Israel, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, it expects Israel to 'fulfill its promises'
A day after Israel apologized to Turkey over the Marmara incident, PM Erdogan announced that he will visit Gaza soon.
Israel and Turkey's rapprochement is a vital factor in developing peace and stability, says U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror confirmed that the situation in Syria was the main reason for Israel’s apology to Turkey.
Bayit Yehudi MK says Turkey apology sends a message to soldiers: "We don't have your backs."
Prime Minister explains concern over Syria's WMDs and "additional regional challenges" necessitate dialogue between Israel and Turkey.
Former Dep. Foreign Minister says Turkey is the one who backed down in accepting phone apology.