Ex-KKK leader David Duke sides with anti-Israel protests
White supremacist and antisemite says he supports anyone working against 'Jewish supremacy,' claims 'we're being genocided like the Palestinians.'
White supremacist and antisemite says he supports anyone working against 'Jewish supremacy,' claims 'we're being genocided like the Palestinians.'
Newly arrived couple victims of KKK hate symbol attack, police investigating whether hate crime occurred.
White supremacist group's flyers and a rock found in ziplock bags outside homes, shocking the community and putting people on edge.
David Duke permanently banned from Twitter for repeated violations of its rules on hate speech.
And above all, it is not about reason, but about irrationality, politics and mass ideological enslavement. Opinion.
Ex-Senator and 2000 vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman warns against 'rush to judge' Virginia governor for racist yearbook photo.
Fliers calling for white people to fight Jews distributed at 30 homes in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
KKK distributes anti-Semitic, racist fliers in Virginia town ahead of MLK Day.
Priest burned crosses on Jewish property during college years in notorious white supremacist group, never paid court-ordered restitution.
March organizers who expelled Jews use notorious KKK anti-Semitic slur, say they take joy in suffering of Zionists.
White supremacist David Duke suggests Jews control the American media and international banks.
Brian Levin is credited with saving three Ku Klux Klan members at Saturday's violent rally in Anaheim.
Jew saves KKK members from angry mob during "White lives matter" demonstration.
The Ku Klux Klan, in decline for decades, has stepped up a leafletting campaign of racist fliers in attempt to draw publicity, ADL reports.