

News and updates about Idolatry

Idol worship, Trump, and Kamala Harris

When it comes to erecting an idol out of mud and straw, no one does it better than the Democrats. Opinion.

Idol worship, Trump, and Kamala Harris

Amulets according to Jewish law

In ancient times, all doctors believed that amulets could aid in healing, The Sages of Israel did not dispute this, and permitted their use, provided they did not contain anything forbidden, As for protection, what about soldiers today?

Amulets according to Jewish law

The Law of Idolatry B’Shituf for non-Jews

Someone who worships idolatry b’shituf (in combination) believes in a Supreme God, but at the same time, also believes in various forces with independent powers. Rabbinic opinions on their being considered idolators are mixed.

The Law of Idolatry B’Shituf for non-Jews

Ashdod rabbi orders religious certification of wigs

A hasidic rabbi in Ashdod has warned that Jews should only purchase wigs certified not to have been made using hair derived from a ritual head-shaving practiced in India.

Ashdod rabbi orders religious certification of wigs

What happened to the idolatrous urge?

Whereas in Biblical times man felt a sense of the transcendental, the West, following the abolition of idolatry came to believe in man.Op-ed

What happened to the idolatrous urge?

Partners with Hashem

If we do not observe the festivals, it is as if we worship idols? What is the connection?

Partners with Hashem

Modern Paganism : Rabbi Shimshon Refael Hirsch on the parasha

Sanctifying our desires is pagan, not Jewish.  Pleading victimhood to external forces is likewise pagan, not Jewish.

Modern Paganism : Rabbi Shimshon Refael Hirsch on the parasha

Re'eh: Uprooting Idolatry in the Land of Israel

Israel's first Chief Rabbi: The essence of the Torah’s wisdom is the inner truth of a united reality. Where is this revealed? In the Land.

Re'eh: Uprooting Idolatry in the Land of Israel

Weekly Torah Study: Vaetchanan

Has modern man really stopped believing in powerful forces acting as gods?

Weekly Torah Study: Vaetchanan

Balak: Eliminating Idolatry

Israel's first Chief Rabbi: Why is idolatry so intrinsically vile? Because instead of elevating us, it lowers us to coarse physical levels.

Balak: Eliminating Idolatry

Ki Tisa: How could they do it?

There is a Yiddish phrase that translates as "general society is malleable and foolish". The most outlandish of ideas can gain traction.

Ki Tisa: How could they do it?

Natural faith and the cause of idolatry

Faith is natural to man.Without it, he would be unable to act and create. Paganism was born out of his difficulty to reach an infinite God.

Natural faith and the cause of idolatry

Redemption from idolatry

As great as the destiny of the Jewish nation is, so is the intensity of its suffering from the exile in Egypt onwards to Divine Revelation..

Redemption from idolatry

The Mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem-sanctifying the Name of G-d

The difference between the three severe transgressions in the Torah for which one must give one's life and when they apply

The Mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem-sanctifying the Name of G-d

Faith, Idols and the Generation of the Flood

​​​​​​​Idolatry serves man's animal instinct, leads to war and enslaving others. Monotheism advocates a common effort for good and justice.

Faith, Idols and the Generation of the Flood

Becoming one with Avodah Zarah

What idols sit on the tables of our homes and in our hearts?

Becoming one with Avodah Zarah

G-d is on our side, who is on theirs?

The first daily prayer in Congress invoked, for the first time in 200 years, a pagan deity alongside the Name of G-d.

G-d is on our side, who is on theirs?

The hidden powers behind idol worship

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton explains the mystical origins of idol worship in the world.

The hidden powers behind idol worship

Child finds rare figurine in Upper Galilee

Itamar Barnea passes finding estimated at 11,500-years-old to state treasury; Antiquities Authority presents good citizenship certificate.

Child finds rare figurine in Upper Galilee

Jerusalem municipality blasted for interfaith Hanukkah parties

'Inability of Jerusalem municipality to withstand foreign influences that challenge Israel angers residents from left and right.'

Jerusalem municipality blasted for interfaith Hanukkah parties

Veyetzei: Stealing the teraphim

Veyetzei: Stealing the teraphim

Was it permissible to steal Laban's idols?

Was it permissible to  steal Laban's idols?

Who said Pope can't be swayed?

Rabbi clarifies video of singing in front of pope

Singing and dancing began 'spontaneously without my foreknowledge or consent.'

Rabbi clarifies video of singing in front of pope