Christmas massacre suspect: 'Jews are evil impostors'
Pedophile arrested for killing six in ramming attack on Wisconsin Christmas parade quoted Hitler, warned of Jewish plans of world domination
Pedophile arrested for killing six in ramming attack on Wisconsin Christmas parade quoted Hitler, warned of Jewish plans of world domination
Man accused of driving an SUV into Waukesha Christmas parade charged with five counts of homicide as sixth victim dies of injuries.
Comedy club owner David Kimowitz and family nanny stabbed to death in suburban NJ
Man fatally shot dead in his car in Holon. Police suspect mob behind killing.
Investigations show at least two children were sedated when a drunk lesbian mother drove her family off a California cliff in March.
7.8 murders per 100,000 people in PA and Gaza; most dangerous countries in Latin America.
Murder investigation launched after burnt-out BMW found, with two dead inside, near the Nesher power plant.
Murder rate rising in Toronto, police say - after years of falling crime rates.
Shooter is a security guard. The murdered man is aged 55, the daughter is 26. Shooter apprehended, motive said to be 'financial.'
A Jewish couple from Toronto was dead inside their south Florida apartment on Thursday night, with police investigating a double homicide.