Holy Land Foundation
News and updates about Holy Land Foundation
Terror ties of BDS backers revealed
Testimony at congressional committee reveals close ties between BDS backers and Hamas fundraisers.
Olmert Aide to be Released from Jail Early
Shula Zaken's 11-month sentence as part of a plea bargain incriminating Olmert to be shortened by two-thirds.
Barkat: 'Sunshine' is the Best Antidote to Corruption
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat is the heir of an odd legacy: The people who preceded him in office are both convicted felons.
Olmert: I Never Took a Bribe For Holyland, Or Anything Else
Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that he never took bribes to push ahead the construction of the Holyland housing project.
Best Buy Link to Hamas? Boycott Petition Breaks 10,000
An online petition to boycott the US-based Best Buy chain alleging the electronics store has ties to Hamas has passed the 10,000 mark.
US ' Holy Land' Hamas Funders' Appeal Denied in Texas Court
Five Holy Land Foundation organizers in the US have lost an appeal of their conviction for funding the Hamas terrorist group.
Popular Soup Boycotted Due to Halal Line of Products
Bloggers call to boycott Campbell Soup after it introduces halal line of soups in Canada, certified by an organization with possible Hamas ties.
Police Say: Indict Olmert in Holyland Scandal
Israel Police says it will recommend that former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert be indicted for alleged bribery in the Holyland apartments scandal.
Supreme Court to Rule on Cremeiux St. Case Against Olmert
Though the Cremeiux St. case against Olmert was closed by the State Prosecution, the Supreme Court has suggested that the decision be reconsidered.
Olmert Grilled for 8 Hours on Holyland Scandal
Former Prime Minister was questioned in the offices of the National Unit for Fraud Investigations in Lod.
Turning Scandal into Blessing
Halt is ordered to further luxury construction in the scandal-ridden Holyland project; residents want cheap housing there for young couples.
Police: Olmert Received 1 Million Shekels through Bureau Chief
Shula Zaken was released to house arrest. She is suspected of funneling cash to her boss and taking hundreds of thousands of shekels for herself.
Shula Zaken Returns, is Arrested
Former Prime Minister Olmert's Bureau Chief Zaken arrives in Israel and is immediately arrested in connection to the Holyland scandal.
After Holyland: Demands to Investigate Other Projects
In the wake of the Holyland scandal, police are asked to look into other municipal projects promoted by those suspected of taking bribes.
Demand: Put a Stop to Holyland
Legal expert, government watchdog group call to put a stop to the Holyland project in Jerusalem. Call to investigate light rail project.
Documents Missing in Holyland Affair
Police discover that forms have 'disappeared' in Holyland case. Former mayor, accountant released to house arrest.
Olmert Prime Suspect in Holyland Apartment Bribe Case
The police and courts took the wraps off the Holyland apartment bribery case and revealed that Ehud Olmert is the number one suspect.
'Police Waiting to Arrest Olmert'
The noose appears to be tightening around former PM Olmert’s neck. Police will be at the airport to arrest him when he returns, sources tell TIME.