Hadassah Hospital
Cutting-edge technology saves young man's heart
Meidan Schwartzman was just 33 when he was told he needed a pacemaker. Then a miracle occurred...
Meidan Schwartzman was just 33 when he was told he needed a pacemaker. Then a miracle occurred...
David Bennett, the first person to receive transplant using a pig's heart, lived for two months before his condition deteriorated.
US surgeons successfully implant heart from genetically modified pig in a 57-year-old man.
Simulation enables scientific and medical community to identify innovative procedures to improve treatment in faster and more focused ways.
Groundbreaking Israeli scientist who developed a liver-on-chip says he will have a brain- and heart-on chip ready by 2018.
Former American Vice President Dick Cheney underwent heart transplant surgery on Saturday, but does not know the donor.