The future of international communication
International communication is an integral component of the world economy, and the Internet age has done much to advance social and cultural ties and political goals worldwide.
International communication is an integral component of the world economy, and the Internet age has done much to advance social and cultural ties and political goals worldwide.
Strong job growth for October shows the American economy on the upswing, with the jobless rate falling to 4.6 percent.
After year of record highs, global markets tank, erasing $4 trillion in stock value after Dow Jones suffers largest single decline ever.
The shekel fell when the Bank of Israel slashed interest rates - and rose again, when the Federal Reserve didn't do anything.
Numerous nations in Europe are still in denial about the economic crisis they are facing, Bank of Israel Gov. Stanley Fischer says.
The government on Monday passed a sweeping measure to tighten Israel's belt at a time when the world is facing another financial crisis.
OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria praises Israel on its management of the global fiscal crisis, but warns “it's not over yet.”
Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer predicted an 'approaching crisis' for world markets at 12th Annual Herzliya Conference.
China's production has contracted, diminishing hopes that China can play the economic locomotive
Soaring bond yields and bearing predictions hit Spain and Italy causing European central bankers to scramble.
Europe's failure to convincingly tackle the problems in the smaller states has now created doubts about the major economies.
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou soldiers on with the austerity plan despite massive popular discontent.