IHF Chairman:
'Antisemitism is no more acceptable than white supremeacy'
Israel Heritage Foundation chairman Farley Weiss denounces the double standards applied to Israel.
Israel Heritage Foundation chairman Farley Weiss denounces the double standards applied to Israel.
The world can howl, but when Israel wins the good fight, the world changes its tune. Op-ed.
Deeply flawed from the beginning, the “first-ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism” has proved to be all talk and no action. Op-ed.
It takes guts to prosecute this just war to its necessary conclusion. But we must. Op-ed.
Israel Heritage Foundation welcomes Israel's acceptance to Visa Waiver Program, criticizes senators who demanded Israel admit antisemites.
The compelling story behind US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and relocating its Embassy in a remarkable book. Review.
The Democratic party must understand that American Jews can no longer be taken for granted. Op-ed.
Farley Weiss, Chairman of the Israel Heritage Foundation: "Trump withstood all the pressures that were on him".
Farley Weiss and Leonard Grunstein disscuss their new book: 'Because It’s Just Right'
Jordan is on a campaign to seize Jewish holy sites, including the Western Wall.
Farley Weiss, former president of the National Council of Young Israel, spoke at the IHF even in honor of Former Sec. of State Pompeo
The key may lie in a quote from the ancient text Pirkei Avot/“Ethics of the Fathers.” Op-ed.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could have easily endorsed Omar's mainstream Democratic rival - her failure to do so is a disgrace. Opinion.
National Council of Young Israel praises Airbnb's cancellation of policy against Judea and Samaria, thanking Florida governor for efforts.
Young Israel's President Farley Weiss says statement defending PM's support for Bayit Yehudi merger did not speak for all YI synagogues.
NCYI accuses State Department of breaching 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act and Kerry's senate position by criticizing building plans.