Each generation is unique, yet each is tied to the past
Sukkot celebrates Hashem’s protection of Bnei Yisrael in the desert and also the uniqueness of that particular generation.
Sukkot celebrates Hashem’s protection of Bnei Yisrael in the desert and also the uniqueness of that particular generation.
It is the first of Nissan in the year 2448 (1312 B.C.E.). Nine of the Ten Plagues have struck Egypt, and only the tenth, the Slaying of the Firstborn, the most devastating Plague of them all, is yet to come.
The future deliverance can be viewed as “a redemption of correction,” perfecting the initial one.
Whatever skill we might have, we must ask ourselves, how we can use it for G-d?
Not surprisingly, it is those who most clearly represent evil that lead the charge against the Jewish people in every generation, but the Jewish people are not a one-time episode and the Torah tells us what to do.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi: Why was it necessary to completely drain Egypt of its wealth?
How can we add hope to our lives as we continue to hear the tragic news of our fallen soldiers, while aware of our enemy’s unfathomable cruelty?
Maybe reading the story of the Exodus can remind us that our real enemies are waiting for us to sink the ship of the Jewish state. Op-ed
Today, as then, there are people who simply have to complain - and those whose gripes are murmured ceaselessly.
The Israelites spent a long time in a state of unknowing. They had no first-hand knowledge of where they were going.
Children are new creations brought into this world and the Exodus occurred for each one.
It is easier to take the Jews out of slavery than to take slavery out of the Israeli mindset.
An Erev Rav Analysis and the Pesach opportunity. The mixed multitude that left Egypt with us are alive and well, plaguing every generation.
The message of the Exodus as seen by Torah commentators from the Riva to the Slonimer Rebbe.
Our shared past experiences are seared into our souls.
It seems like a contradiction in timing, but it is really a model for living.
Women are those who welcomed the men returning from battle in ancient times.
The exodus from Egypt taught us that words, such as those spoken by Moshe and Aaron,are not enough to move masses of Jews to return home.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, will yet defeat our enemies in the Land of Israel.
It is not so simple to go from bondage to freedom.
Israel's first Chief Rabbi: Why do we say "God who brings forth" only on the blessing for bread, as G-d says about the Exodus from Egypt?
Step by step, plague after plague, Pharaoh learns the way the world works.
William Bradford, leader of the "Mayflower", interacted with the Jewish community in England and saw his voyage as another Exodus. Op-ed.
We disappointed Hashem from the Exodus until today, not living up to expectations, but we have also proven that we want to be bonded to Him.
The UK showed its cowardice and contempt for Jewish Holocaust survivors with the Exodus. Moral? Jews cannot rely on the world. Story below..
75 years ago this week, the Exodus story made waves internationally. But how did the cartoonists see it? Op-ed.
Keeping the prohibition on taking interest from one's fellow Jew is relying on the God who took us out of Egypt to bring us sustenance.
At Passover time, agitators for a State of Palestine feel compelled to act Moses, paraleling the Exodus with the Two State Delusion. .Op-ed.
The Exodus from Egypt constitutes a revolution in the concept of reality.
A successful businessman once said that it takes years to become an overnight success, and the Exodus was no different. Op-ed.
Shabbat ha-Gadol, “the Great Shabbat” before Pesach, commemorates our final Shabbat in Egypt, 3,334 years ago, five days before the Exodus.
If the ten days from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur are Days of Awe,I would posit that the days from Purim to Passover are Days of Love.
I did not need the amulet found on Har Eival to strengthen my faith. My proof is the fact of generations of believers since Mount Sinai.
The Israelites were protected as they fled Egypt. Was this a message for the future as well?
Macintyre: “I can only answer the question ‘What am I to do?’ if I can answer the prior question ‘Of what story.. do I find myself a part?’”
Rabbi Kook:We bind these memories of G-d's role in history to our hand, heart, and mind, and transform our coarse nature to a holy one.'
Sometimes the present is predetermined by things done in the past.
Enslaving others, Pharaoh himself became enslaved. He became a prisoner of the values he himself had espoused.
Hashem laments the departure of the Avot, rebuking Moshe for his words.
This week's parasha holds the key to understanding practically all of Jewish History in the past 120 years.
There is another, and much more profound, meaning to the words 'realize your worst fears' than the obvious one.
Why was it worth God’s while to produce the effects which the sorcerers could duplicate?.
Can the temporary silence the historic?
As the Jewish nation emerged from a family, and families are the bedrock of society, it is clearly the women who are of supreme importance.
Today the people of America are slaves to political pettiness.Opinion.
Can the temporary silence the historic?
Pharaoh's words are mirrored by every paranoid Jew hating ruler ever since - and there have been, and still are, many.
74 years ago, on July 11th, loaded with Holocaust survivors, the Exodus 1947 left France for the Holy Land- But the British attacked. Op-ed.
The Baal Shem Tov: The first days of Pesach celebrate the Exodus but during the last days of Pesach we anticipate the coming of Mashiach.
Cancel culture's historical homicide has rendered the Exodus obsolete because in its eyes, Jews are innately privileged whites. Op-ed.
At the moment of our liberation, G-d says to Moshe that he should tell all the people to enter their homes Like we are doing now.
Finding grace in Egyptian eyes was no less a miracle than the plagues. What does it signify?
Israel's first Chief Rabbi, iconic leader of Religious Zionism: The paschal lamb was a spiritual leap, but not everyone could partake of it.
Verse used when Moshe promises the Jews that they will have children born in Israel is same used in Haggada in context of the evil son.
The verse used when Moses promises the nation that children that will be born to them is the same used in the Haggadah for the evil son.
The Jews were not freed from Egypt merely to become a nation, and not just to establish a Jewish state in the Land of Israel.
Is it prescient that the Torah readings during this stormy period in the USA are about the change in Egypt's attitude towards the Jews?
Think about it: The Land of Israel, the exodus circumcision, the Torah, life, and the food we eat were all forced upon us by Hashem.
With our entrance into the Land of Israel - and today with our return - we must live with the continuous consciousness of God's goodness.
Moses admonishes the people in Dvarim, not for the serious sins of the spies and the golden calf, but for flaws rooted in ego. Op-ed.