Historians trampling History (in Gaza)
By a vote of 428 to 88, members of the American Historical Association last week adopted a resolution accusing Israel of committing “scholasticide”- do you wonder what that could possibly mean? See below.
By a vote of 428 to 88, members of the American Historical Association last week adopted a resolution accusing Israel of committing “scholasticide”- do you wonder what that could possibly mean? See below.
The “My Cause My Cleat” program is a wonderful concept, but it must be limited to just causes - and the truth. Opinion.
ITt was Autumn 1941. The Dodgers lost the third game in the World Series, America was isolationist, Hiterl was killing Jews and conquering Europe - and where did their irascible manager Durocher go that night? Story.
The cartoon that’s bothering Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, drawn by Henry Payne in National Review, portrayed her as the owner of an exploding pager similar to those used by Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. She did't laugh. Op-ed.
A new constituency of antisemitic voters has arisen during the past year—the pro-Hamas protesters who have been using “Zionist” as a codeword for Jew, who have been brandishing signs calling for a “Final Solution.” Are those the voters candidates should court? Op-ed.
The Republicans today have thrown down the gauntlet. This year’s GOP platform states, “We will stand with Israel and seek peace in the Middle East.” What will the Democrats do? Op-ed.
President Biden is saying that supporting the mass murder, rape and torture of Israeli Jews is antisemitic. Now let us do something about it. Opinion.
Perhaps the most remarkable chapter in Friedman’s history of verbally accosting Israeli prime ministers concerns the tenure of Ehud Olmert, whose policies and positions arguably were the most left-of-center of any Israeli leader in many decades. Op-ed.
Garry Trudeau, the writer and artist of Doonesbury, has dared to acknowledge a fact about the Hamas leadership that most of the mainstream news media prefer to ignore. Op-ed.
Depends whether decapitated and burned Jewish babies are worth it to you if they help you get closer to your goal. Opinion.
Not just presidents, also their advisors, curse Jews, and then hope no one tells. Op-ed.
The pattern of secretaries of state taking shots at Israel crosses party lines. Here is a selection. Op-ed.
In Gaza, there is a popular doll of a child holding a rock in his upraised arm, his face covered by a keffiyah. Rooting out the glorification of violent antisemitism and imperialism needs to start at a young age, but it worked in Germany and Japan.
Do they know that the university was co-founded by the philosopher Horace M. Kallen, one of the earliest leaders of American Zionism? Op-ed
Young Gazans are not “driven into the arms of Hamas” by Israel; they have been indoctrinated by Hamas with their parent's approval. Op-ed.
Canada should recall its own record before lecturing Israel. Op-ed.
A best seller in the Palestinian Authority areas, HItler's vile book is a guide studied by Hamas terrorists. People of the book?. Op-ed.
Many Israelis worried about the security risks, citing occasional laborers involved in terrorist acts. It was much worse. Op-ed.
Jordan's queen is so dishonest and cynical that she denies the atrocities, even though she knows they happened, Op-ed.
An-Najah university students glorify Oct 7th. No western colleges threatened to cut ties, maybe because their students are the same. Op-ed.
Apparently Hamas had some help from former U.S. Mideast envoy Dennis Ross—according to Ross himself. Opinion.
Ths is not the first time Palestinian Arab terrorists have employed sexual violence as a weapon. For the Nazis, too,r ape was a weapon.Op-ed
How many ways are there to excuse antisemitism? Quite a few, it seems.
Potemkin-style cover-ups to hide the truth from visitors were the norm in the USSR, Nazi Germany, the PA, N. Korea and now in China. Op-ed.
What makes the Burns-Novick-Botstein claim about FDR and refugees in their film troubling is that it’s not true. Op-ed.
Dictators can always find athletes prepared to turn a blind eye to atrocities for enough money. But the power rests with the fans: Op-ed.
Should the name be changed or should we forget about it? Op-ed.
It’s not easy for a politician to criticize a popular ex-president from his own party. That's why it is significant. Op-ed.
The Allies constantly bombed railway lines throughout Europe, despite the Germans repairing them, just not the ones to Auschwitz. Op-ed.
The 1943 Bermuda Conference and the abandonment of the Jews. Op-ed.
Towns established by 19th-century religious Christians have names expressomg spiritual attachment to the Bble's land and people. Op-ed.
In 1924, Neve Yaakov was founded,located on sixteen acres of land purchased from local Arabs by the US wing of the Mizrachi movement. Op-ed
it should be possible to discuss even the most sensitive issues without resorting to absurd and insulting historical comparisons. Op-ed.
If American Jews “decide to remain apart,” antisemitism will rise to the point that “blood will be spilled," said Harvard Pres Lowell. Op-ed
Perhaps the closest historical analogy to Qatar and its soccer matches was the Berlin Olympics of 1936. China's Olympics come second.Op-ed..
The suit that Al Jazeera has filed in the International Criminal Court could shine an embarrassing spotlight on the network itself. Op-ed.
There need to be consequences to establish that in contemporary American society, racist or antisemitic humor is no laughing matter.Op-ed.
The diaries are a gift that keeps on giving for historians on many topics. This is the account of a troubling one about lies and truth.Op-ed
Berkeley’s shameless ban on Zionist speakers is today's version of the “Ghetto Benches” in European universities in the 1930s. Op-ed.
Rabbi Stephen Wise criticized FDR publicly just this onece and never did so again, more's the pity. Op-ed..
Good try but the State Department was implementing FDR’s policy, not sneaking around behind the president’s back. Op-ed.
In July 1944 the JTA ran a dispatch from London reporting that recent escapees from Auschwitz were urging it be bombed. FDR said no. Op-ed.
Burns' claim that FDR took in more Jews during the Holocaust than other country is simply false. Is the rest of the movie the same? Op-ed.
Nancy Pelosi's role model a man who courageously put his humanitarian principles above his narrow political needs.Op-ed.
75 years ago this week, the Exodus story made waves internationally. But how did the cartoonists see it? Op-ed.
80 years ago this week, the USA decided that rubble from Bristol was worth saving and that Jews were not. Op-ed.
The Times buried the report on Nazi atrocities in Ukraine at the end of a column of items from Europe.That, at least, has changed.Op-ed
Sadly, there are those who exploit, distort —or even doubt atrocities taking place now—in order to advance narrow partisan agendas. Op-ed.
Atrocities do not have to reach the level of genocide for the international community to feel outrage and compassion for Ukrainians. Op-ed.
A fascinating but little-known chapter in the history of the campaign by Americans to help create the State of Israel. Op-ed.
FDR viewed Jews and those he called "Orientals" with automatic suspicion, with devastating results for both groups. Op-ed.
The history of the all-black Tuskegee pilots unit is connected to the controversy over Roosevelt's refusal to bomb Auschwitz. Op-ed.
Many Diaspora Jews are temporarily unable to attend events in Israel, but in the greater scheme of a pandemic, it is hardly “tragic.” Op-ed.
Read FDR and Harry Truman's offensive and antisemitic remarks about Jews, omitted or revised by those who ran the cutting room.Op-ed.
Use of the term “genocide” in situations that do not meet the definition undermines youth's understanding of what it really means. Op-ed.
Biden’s fear of backlash reportedly contributed to the slide from his initial promise of 125,000 refugess to 62,500, to 15,000. Op-ed.
The secretary of state made it sound as if it was Ass't Sec of State Long, not FDR, who kept the US from aiding European Jews.Op-ed.
BDS say they are boycotting only Israelis, not Jews. But they are not boycotting Israeli Arabs, just Israeli Jews. Op-ed
The full story of how FDR treated the Jews in Morocco and elsewhere in North Africa after the 1942 Allied liberation. Op-ed.
It changes nothinng to know that many Americans besides FDR knew, but did nothing, about the Holocaust. He was the president. Op-ed.