
Dr. Harold Goldmeier

News and updates about Dr. Harold Goldmeier

A survey of El Al Airlines in time of war

My students each asked travelers between 21 and 55 years of age 12 questions about flying to Israel and on El Al, specifically.

A survey of El Al Airlines in time of war


Tuvia Tenenboim's new book on the haredi community in Israel

His roots are among them. Tuvia was born, raised, and educated as one of them for his first 17 years.

Tuvia Tenenboim's new book on the haredi community in Israel

Israel needs more Gen Z activists

We can only guesstimate the impact of social media’s pervasive anti-Israel and anti-Jew hate messages. Op-ed.

Israel needs more Gen Z activists


Triggers, those fleeting moments when a sound, a smell, a word reminds us of a happy or sad time, are frequent during this war. Opinion.


Invest in Israeli businesses, not just in charity

This is actually a good time to invest in Israeli businesses. Investments outweigh charity. Opinion.

Invest in Israeli businesses, not just in charity

The Matilda Effect and Jewish Community Leadershiip

Politics is dominated by alpha males today as much as at any time in history. A political Matilda Effect. Op-ed.

The Matilda Effect and Jewish Community Leadershiip


Life is better than the news reports

Begin to think differently and ignore the bearer of bad news with a book that can help heal the fractured world. Review.

Life is better than the news reports

Magic, mystery and chaos: A guide to life in the Holy Land

A deeper look into Israeli society and culture than the plethora of books every year that view Israel through rose-colored glasses.Review.

Magic, mystery and chaos: A guide to life in the Holy Land


Israel won’t save the Jewish People: Day Schools will

Students internalize the Jewish values the schools promote and bring them home to their families a new book shows. Op-ed.

Israel won’t save the Jewish People: Day Schools will

Danger - Israel's defense companies should not be for sale

Israel just allowed the sale of a publicly-owned defense and weapons company to foreign nationals, a move with ominous implicaions. Op-ed.

Danger - Israel's defense companies should not be for sale

By protecting Jews, America's democracy was able to thrive

There was a time in America when Jews hit back at anti-Semites, hit them with bats, boards, shovels, and fists. Today Jews take it. Op-ed.

By protecting Jews, America's democracy was able to thrive

80 million refugees roam the world today

There is a long history of displacement and flight causing millions to become refugees. The story of WWII internment of Jews. Review.

80 million refugees roam the world today

The death penalty for terrorists

Calls for the death penalty for terrorists are visceral desires for revenge, no preventative measures. Op-ed.

The death penalty for terrorists

A tale about the Jewish body

A book that offers a deep understanding of the body's sanctity and how body and mind link and helped me deal with personal tragedy. Review.

A tale about the Jewish body

No more border mentality

Internet, mass migrations, terrorists, satellites, rockets, and drones reveal the anachronism of borders. Insects never had them. Review.

No more border mentality

Lessons from the history of business in the West

The pursuit of wealth always determined the priorities in western countries. Business thus affects society, war and everyting else. Op-ed.

Lessons from the history of business in the West


Review of a fictionalized biography about cult "rabbis" from a victim’s point of view. It could never happen in our family, right? Op-ed.


A time to killl, a time to heal

An Israeli Navy SEAL's book about his journey back to civilian life, his love for Israel, and how he now heals others. Review.

A time to killl, a time to heal

UK Jews are fooling themselves

The virus of anti-Jew hatred is all over the UK, but the British "have tamed their Jews just perfectly." Review.

UK Jews are fooling themselves

Israeli activists target 60 m. Evangelical voter bloc for Trump

If Israel, America and Christians are to survive, says this book, go out and vote for the man whose actions are biblically correct. Review.

Israeli activists target 60 m. Evangelical voter bloc for Trump

Can leadership be taught?

lLeadership is all about having vision and seeing things as they ought to be, managing people but not promising them harmony. Op-ed.

Can leadership be taught?

The Holy War: Beit Shemesh Elections

The Holy War: Beit Shemesh Elections

How International Banks Enable Drug Trade

How International Banks Enable Drug Trade

Only in Israel Series: US Voting is a Right and a Duty

Only in Israel Series: US Voting is a Right and a Duty