

News and updates about Complaints

Rabbi Berel Wein:

Behaalotcha: The complainers

We are bidden to deal with problems to the extent that we can and not to dwell on them and constantly complain about them.

Behaalotcha: The complainers

What do Israelis complain about the most?

A new report shows what parts of Israel's government drew the most complaints from Israelis in 2022.

What do Israelis complain about the most?

A tiny part of the picture

Beware of the character who obsessively and disproportionately intensifies the downside in everything.

A tiny part of the picture

The book of complaints

Rereading complaints often shows their pettiness, unless we would prefer to nurture hurts and frustrations rather than moving on. Op-ed.

The book of complaints

Coronavirus hotels draw complaints about food and cleanliness

This morning, 6,534 people stayed in coronavirus hotels. Only 15% of floors left vacant in 17 recovery hotels and 5 isolation hotels.

Coronavirus hotels draw complaints about food and cleanliness

IDF report:

Commander forcibly shaves soldier with knife

IDF releases report showing over 6,000 complaints by soldiers in 2019, majority of which were found to be justified.

Commander forcibly shaves soldier with knife

'250 percent increase in complaints by religious soldiers'

Reserve Rabbi's Forum member Rabbi Aviad Gadot responds to report by Soldier's Complaints Commissioner: 'An alarming trend.'

'250 percent increase in complaints by religious soldiers'

National Insurance Leads in Public Complaints

Ombudsman reports on 2012 complaints. Bituach Leumi faces most complaints, followed by police.

National Insurance Leads in Public Complaints