Colorado Movie Theater Shooter Found Guilty of Murder
James Holmes found guilty of first-degree murder in the July 2012 Colorado shooting at a movie theater that left 12 people dead.
James Holmes found guilty of first-degree murder in the July 2012 Colorado shooting at a movie theater that left 12 people dead.
Lawyers for the Colorado man who murdered 12 at a movie theater say their client is mentally ill.
James Holmes was formally charged Monday with the Colorado movie theater shooting that left 12 people dead and dozens wounded.
Netanyahu sent condolences to Colorado’s “Batman” terror victims, “We well understand the pain and loss that you are experiencing.”
The “Colorado Batman Massacre” might have been prevented if there were better anti-gun laws, says Jewish victim of a 1999 shooting.
Police experts say the sophisticated booby-traps set at Colorado shooter's apartment could have destroyed the apartment complex.
James Holmes, who opened fire in a Colorado movie theater and killed 12 people, booby-trapped his home with explosives.