Is the Clinton Foundation funding Chelsea's political future?
New York Post columnist says Chelsea Clinton is 'saving baby elephants and pushing Chinese vaccines' in return for political points.
New York Post columnist says Chelsea Clinton is 'saving baby elephants and pushing Chinese vaccines' in return for political points.
Justice Department probing allegations the Clinton Foundation used "pay to play" politics while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.
Unlike other recipients, Clinton Foundation will not return money donated by disgraced Hollywood ex-producer Harvey Weinstein.
The Clinton Foundation's 2014 tax return tells a different story than Hillary and Chelsea would like you to hear.
Source says President-elect Trump plans to instruct ambassadors to encourage countries to investigate funding of Clinton Foundation.
Clinton Foundation saw donations drop by more than a third after Hillary began her failed presidential campaign.
Latest batch of Wikileaks suggests Clinton Foundation paid wedding expenses for Chelsea, supported her lifestyle 'for a decade'.
Trump calls on Clinton to return donations from Arab countries that repress women and homosexuals and fund terrorism.
Likely Democratic nominee admits some foreign donations to Clinton foundation went unreported during her tenure as Sec. of State.
One of Saudi Arabia's richest men close to royal family shown to be a leading donor, raising questions about Hillary's foreign influence.
The Clinton Foundation will continue to accept donations from foreign countries – but not from Saudi Arabia.