Chelsea Clinton: No common ground with Trump
'You can't give sanction to someone who believes my kids, who are half Jewish, shouldn't have the same rights as kids of white Christians'.
'You can't give sanction to someone who believes my kids, who are half Jewish, shouldn't have the same rights as kids of white Christians'.
Chelsea Clinton says it’s no surprise that Facebook allows book burning groups — Zuckerberg once defended Holocaust deniers.
Daughter of former President Bill Clinton and 2016 presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gives birth to her third child.
Students at NYU confront Chelsea Clinton, claim her condemnation of Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitism to blame for New Zealand mosque massacres.
Daughter of President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton slams Nation of Islam leader over anti-Semitic tweet comparing Jews to termites.
Bill and Hillary Clinton reportedly preparing daughter Chelsea for congressional bid
Latest batch of Wikileaks suggests Clinton Foundation paid wedding expenses for Chelsea, supported her lifestyle 'for a decade'.
Trump, Clinton, who cares? The First Son-in-Law will be descended from Abraham and Sarah in any case.
91-year-old former president hospitalized for fall, but 'is fine' other than needing neck brace; well-wishers include Chelsea Clinton.