Chayei Sarah:
Shabbat Hevron
Hevron, where our forefathers are buried, and the Cave which the Zohar says is the entrance to the Garden of Eden.
Hevron, where our forefathers are buried, and the Cave which the Zohar says is the entrance to the Garden of Eden.
If he did, what happened to her?
Why did the Torah find it necessary to testify that she remained righteous throughout her life, from beginning to end? And why did her end come after the Akeidah?
Are we bodies with souls or souls in bodies? This is not a question about how we will die but about how we live.
The contribution to the Jewish people is being made by so many whose names we do not know.
Even the most charitable of men, would not see a need to help those who are well able to attend to their own needs. Not so Rivkah.
In everyone’s life there are moments of danger, frustration, disappointment and even tragedy, but they need not describe our lives.
G-d will hear the nation of Israel]'s cries because of what Ishmael’s descendants do to them in the Land of Israel at the end of days..
Israel's 1st Chief Rabbi, iconic leader of Religious Zionism: "The soul is always praying. It constantly seeks to fly away to its Beloved.”
Words repeated, but not redundant. How is that if the Torah gives importance to every word?
Young religious Zionist Torah scholars elucidate the connections to the Holy Land in Chayei Sarah, this week's Torah reading
Why is Hevron considered one of the four holy cities in Eretz Yisrael?
Sarah is the woman of iron that acts to guarantee the future survival of the Jewish people.
Yishmael - A man suited to the desert, unable to coexist with his fellow-men, accept human laws or to live with civilized human society..
When Abraham was alive, he inspired people to see the world with clarity and return to a belief that all Hashem does is for the good.
Where is the Avraham of today who will stand up before the world as he did to the Hittites and declare that this land is our heritage?
The Torah tells us of Ishmael's propensity for bloodshed: "his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him.” Will it ever end?
This article is dedicated to Sarah, in praise of her virtues and in honor of her memory.
he beard is the only hair that grows vertically from above to below, which represents the flow of Divine energy into the world.
Why should Abraham purchase the burial cave for Sarah if G-d has already promised the land to him?
Sarah has no illusions about the challenges she will face, having embarked with Abraham on the founding of the Jewish people.
Security preparations underway as tens of thousands of Jews expected to flock to Hevron for annual 'Hevron Shabbat'.
Thousands of Israelis, lawmakers, and public figures will throng Hevron as part of annual 'Shabbat Hevron'.
10,000s of visitors expected in Hevron on Shabbat of weekly reading of Torah portion of Abraham's purchase of Cave of the Patriarchs.
Annual tradition to spend Shabbat near the Cave of the Patriarchs underway, as city prepares itself for huge onslaught of tourists.
The tension could almost be ignored amidst the festive picnic atmosphere as thousands camped out in front of the Cave of Machpelach.
Seven extreme leftists were arrested in Hevron after causing a provocation and holding up posters denouncing Jewish presence in the city.
Jews pouring into ‘City of the Patriarchs’ for annual Sabbath event.
The Jewish community of Hevron prepares for an influx of visitors for "Shabbat Chayei Sara", to honor the Biblical matriarch Sarah.
Magen David Adom to sent up medical tent in Hevron, for visitors who come to the Cave of the Patriarchs for Shabbat Parshat Chayei Sarah.
Thousands expected to celebrate Shabbat in Hebron, the place where this week's parasha takes place.
Despite a housing crunch and laws preventing Jews from purchasing new property, the Jewish connection to Hevron is thriving.