Krauthammer to Netanyahu: Goodbye, brother
'Krauthammer was a daring defender of Israel', says Netanyahu following pundit's passing, revealing some of Krauthammer's last words.
'Krauthammer was a daring defender of Israel', says Netanyahu following pundit's passing, revealing some of Krauthammer's last words.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed deep sorrow over the passing of pundit Charles Krauthammer.
Longtime Fox News contributor passes away at the age of 68, just weeks after revealing he is in the final stages of cancer.
Charles Krauthammer says he leaves life 'with no regrets' after losing his battle with cancer.
Iran deal means that Iran can do what it wants, as it wants, without having to fear international sanctions, prize-winning columnist says.
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein backs assessment of Charles Krauthammer, saying Obama's blaming Bibi for lack of peace is 'mindless.'
Krauthammer says lack of urgency is “astonishing”; Podhoretz: announcement is “literally nonsensical.”
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said that while he believes the election will be close, Romney will take the presidency.
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer: President Obama “isn’t half as intelligent as he thinks he is.”
Krauthammer: "Israel was established to prevent a second Holocaust, not to invite one"; says strike on Iran is inevitable.
Widely-syndicated columnist and political analyst Dr. Charles Krauthammer granted an exclusive interview to Israel National Radio's Walter Bingham.