
Chaim Silberstein

News and updates about Chaim Silberstein

Educational changes are key to a peaceful future

Providing financial support and political power to terror-related groups without changing their nefarious messaging will not advance normalization. Opinion.

Educational changes are key to a peaceful future

A vision for a second Trump term

There are several items worthy of the new administration’s agenda that can solidify the advances made in the first Trump administration and further promote peace and security in the region. Op-ed.

A vision for a second Trump term

Evict UNRWA from Jerusalem

Israel should no longer indulge an organization that is pro-terror and anti-peace, not in Gaza and not in Jerusalem. Opinion.

Evict UNRWA from Jerusalem

Jerusalem: Truly a City of Peace and Unity

Even partial Arab control of Jerusalem would mean suffering on a massive scale for Jews, Christians and Moslems alike. Op-ed.

Jerusalem: Truly a City of Peace and Unity

The modern day siege of Jerusalem and how we can overcome it

Creeping Arab expansion is strangling urban development, much like the Babylonian siege forcefully imposed upon Jerusalem long ago.Op-ed.

The modern day siege of Jerusalem and how we can overcome it

The EU's basic error

Is the European Union serious? Report.

The EU's basic error

Blaming Israel, not Muslims, for Christian woes

As some Christian leaders in Israel blame Jews for diminishing Christian numbers in the Holy Land, the true culprit goes unnamed. Op-ed.

Blaming Israel, not Muslims, for Christian woes

10 good reasons NOT to reopen another US Consulate in Jerusalem

Prime Minister Bennett must make it clear to President Biden that Israel will not allow the U.S. to reopen its Jerusalem consulate.Op-ed.

10 good reasons NOT to reopen another US Consulate in Jerusalem

Jerusalem and the new US Administration

Supporters of a united Jerusalem must adopt strategies to ensure that rusty, failed and dangerous narratives are not reintroduced. Opinion.

Jerusalem and the new US Administration

Open Letter to PM Netanyahu and the new Government on Jerusalem

Four significant threats endanger Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish State. The new unity government must act resolutely now. Opinion

Open Letter to PM Netanyahu and the new Government on Jerusalem