Netanyahu testimony:
'I wanted to break Bezeq's Soviet-like monopoly'
In 2nd day of testimony, PM Netanyahu denies ever offering Bezeq owner Shaul Elovitch regulatory benefits in exchange for positive coverage on the Walla news website.
In 2nd day of testimony, PM Netanyahu denies ever offering Bezeq owner Shaul Elovitch regulatory benefits in exchange for positive coverage on the Walla news website.
Netanyahu's testimony will be held in Tel Aviv on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Court restarts Netanyahu trial, focusing on Case 4000.
Summary of meeting between judges, attorneys published following recommendation to drop bribery charge.
So Bibi has legal troubles over cigars—what about Churchill? Op-ed.
41% of the public believes the Attorney General should withdraw the bribery charges in Case 4000, while 37% think the opposite.
Justice Minister calls trial of PM Netanyahu 'worst political and legal persecution in the country's history' after latest developments.
Prosecution receives blow in trial of PM over allegedly offering Bezeq owner favorable regulations in exchange for favorable news coverage.
Boaz Ben Tzur represents PM in Case 4000.
In a contest for power, if I lose, I lose. But if I win, I also lose, because in diminishing my opponents I have diminished myself.
Known as Case 4000, the trial is considered the most serious case against the former Prime Minister.
Shlomo Filber says, 'the investigators only sought to incriminate.'
This is the only way to begin, just begin, restoring the public's trust in the legal system. Op-ed.
Tonight people gather at Habima Square to protest the attempt to block Netanyahu from running for PM and the new budget..
Former Walla! CEO Ilan Yeshua says he asked legal advice, was told he has a right not to anger PM.
PM Netanyahu to attend first hearing as prosecution begins delivering testimony in Case 4000.
The release of taped phone conversations shows that the political initiative to indict the PM on contrived charges will rebound on plotters.
Shlomo Filber, state witness in Case 4000, was summoned by the police last month to confirm a note was written by him.
State witness in Case 4000, for which PM was indicted, sues Justice Minister Ohana for revealing details of the case.
Former Justice Minister calls gaps between Netanyahu and Gantz 'mock rift', explains why New Right did not allow Gantz to form government.
Report: Mandelblit asked to re-examine publications on Walla! website and correspondence between PM's associates and the site's owner.
PM in Facebook video slams new state witness against him
Transcripts of the investigation of the PM's wife publicized. 'Everything they say about me is a lie,' Sara Netanyahu says.
Court says there were flaws in confiscation of the phones of Netanyahu’s advisers but allows "measured search warrants".
PM's son Yair in police interrogation uses particularly blunt language to attack number of people, including Nir Hafetz and Gideon Sa'ar.
Channel 13 News reports investigators forbid Yonatan Urich and Topaz Locke from talking to PM, after suspicion of threatening state witness
Police confiscate cell phones of advisers to PM Netanyahu who are being investigated on suspicion of harassing state witness Shlomo Filber.
Several campaign leaders were investigated on suspicion of harassing state witness Shlomo Filber in Case 4000.
Report: Prosecutors plan to indict PM on bribery charges, even after PM's attorneys pushed back on claims at pre-indictment hearings.
'PM isn't even thinking about plea bargain deal or clemency appeal, say Netanyahu's attorneys as they arrive for pre-indictment hearing.
Likud attorney says PM Netanyahu 'not corrupt at all,' blasts 'political' lawsuits.
Hundreds of activists protest near A-G's home ahead of the Prime Minister's hearing.
In scathing post on Netanyahu's FB page, alleged that publication of investigative transcripts by state witness proves Case 4000 lacks basis
Netanyahu expected to be charged with breach of trust and bribery. PM's associates: The charges are "absurd."
Netanyahu says that he is being framed, alleges Attorney General pressured into indicting him by raucous left-wing protests.
Attorney General Mandelblit reportedly completed deliberations on charges against PM, will file preliminary indictment in next few weeks.
Attorney general reportedly accepts recommendations of state attorney to submit indictment against Netanyahu. PM's attorneys respond.
High Court overturns ruling banning Judge Ronit Poznansky-Katz from the bench. Judge was accused of collusion ahead of 'Case 4000' hearing.
State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan reportedly believes PM should be charged with bribery in Cases 2000 and 4000.
Associates of businessman Shaul Elovitch provide his version of the affair dubbed 'Case 4000'.
Prime Minister Netanyahu rejects police recommendation to indict him in Case 4000 investigation, says decision was made before probe began.
Police say there is enough evidence to indict the prime minister over the so-called 'Bezeq-Walla affair.' Netanyahu: Recommendations rigged.
Former Communications Ministry director-general who turned state’s evidence speaks for the first time.
Police investigators will write conclusions in coming days, to be forwarded to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit.
Police say no evidence to explosive report that retired Judge Hila Gerstel was offered gov't position in exchange for favorable PM ruling.
Hours after revelation that PM's wife, Sara Netanyahu, is a suspect in Case 4000 investigation, report claims PM's son also suspected.
Prime Minister's wife denies claim by police that she may have been involved in bribery scheme in 'Case 4000'.
Police question PM Netanyahu for what is believed to be the last time in corruption allegations in Bezeq case before making recommendations.
Disciplinary court dismisses Ronit Poznansky-Katz, following revelations of her collusion with investigator ahead of 'Case 4000' hearing.
Prime Minister expected to be questioned by police in Case 1000, Case 2000 and Case 4000.
Tel Aviv Magistrates Court judge convicted after admitting to colluding with investigator in case involving Netanyahu associate.
Close Netanyahu confidant who agreed to testify against him resigns from position as director-general of Communications Ministry.
Yigal Ben-Shalom takes command of elite Lahav 433 anti-corruption unit, which is currently investigating Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Prime Minister Netanyahu defends recent attacks on the police and other legal bodies. 'The citizens of Israel support me.'