Empowering Jewish teens in the heart of New York
Chabad's Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky describes CTeen's amazing Shabbaton concert in Times Square with 3,000 Jewish teens from around the world.
Chabad's Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky describes CTeen's amazing Shabbaton concert in Times Square with 3,000 Jewish teens from around the world.
Jewish teens from 16 countries, including refugees from Ukraine, join inspiring 'Shabbat Across Europe' program.
City councilman Chaim Deutsch speaks at Cteen event in Times Square, says Jewish youth must keep memory of Holocaust victims alive.
Thousands of Jewish teens gathered for the annual giant after-Shabbat Cteen event and enthusiastically joined singer Yaacov Shwekey.
Survivors of Parkland school shooting among thousands of Jewish high school students who attended annual conference of 'CTeen' youth group.
A CTeen summer weekend retreat for leadership training united teens and Chabad emissaries from all over the world.
420 teens and shluchim from 54 communities around the world attend Chabad's International CTeen Shabbaton in Crown Heights.