News and updates about Alt-right
Neo-Nazi site forced to take down Pepe the Frog images
Creator of cartoon frog Pepe used as symbol of alt-Right takes on neo-Nazi website which used Pepe the Frog as its mascot.
Antifa and anti-Semitism
Alt-right leader:
'Jews over-represented in US policy-making'
White supremacist defends racist elements at rally, says Jews dispossessing whites in US while dominating the left.
Stop lying: There was plenty of leftist violence in Charlottesville
'The ADL is trying to get us killed'
'ADL put us on a hit-list', say pundits, claiming ADL no longer working to combat anti-Semitism. 'The ADL is just Obama's campaign'.
ADL list of hatemongers highlights Alt Right, ignores US left
Coalition for Jewish Values criticizes ADL list for one-sidedness. provides list of Alt Left hatemongers.
Alt-right raises $150,000 to save neo-Nazi website
The Daily Stormer's founder harasses Jewish woman and her family; alt-right raises $150,000 to save the neo-Nazi site from ensuing lawsuit.
ADL: Jared Kushner a growing target of online anti-Semitism
Anti-Defamation League says white supremacists see Kushner as prime target for hate and anti-Semitic remarks.
White supremacist booted out of conservative conference
Alt-right leader Richard Spencer kicked out of Conservative Political Action Conference.
White nationalists disappointed in Trump
White nationalists react with disappointment to President-elect Donald Trump's disavowal of their movement.
'Hail Trump!' white nationalist to lecture at Texas university
Richard Spencer, white nationalist who raised his right arm and said 'Hail Trump' at recent meeting, will be lecturing at Texas university
Watch: 'Hail Trump! Hail victory!'
Video of an alt-right conference in Washington, D.C., where Trump’s victory was met with cheers and Nazi salutes.
Twitter suspends some alt-right accounts
Twitter has suspended the accounts of several members of the alt-right.
Twitter suspends Milo Yiannopoulos account
Professional provocateur and 'alt-right' sympathizer, suspended from Twitter for abusing actress. "We have not done enough," says Twitter.
Neo-Nazis salute ‘Aryan goddess’ Taylor Swift
White Supremacists believe American pop star is a closet Nazi waiting for Donald Trump to become president.