'Ceterum censeo Carthaginem delendam esse': Gaza, like Carthage
“Furthermore, I consider Carthage to need to be destroyed,” repeated Cato the Elder. Gaza is Jihad's foothold, our Carthage. We have no other choice. Opinion.
“Furthermore, I consider Carthage to need to be destroyed,” repeated Cato the Elder. Gaza is Jihad's foothold, our Carthage. We have no other choice. Opinion.
Today, perhaps, the main question is: what next? Opinion.
The entire policy of Israel's elite after 7.10 boils down to twisting the government's arm and preventing victory over Hamas. Before 7.10, it threatened to destroy the country from within. And what about 7.10 itself? Opinion.
A devastating blow to the Houthi infrastructure could be a prelude to much more dramatic events. Opinion.
It is a case of predator and prey right before the jump. From the Arabs' point of view, their time has come. Opinion.
What the communists could not do, the globalists did. And Islam steps in. Op-ed.
Having lost in Israel, globalists risk Israel setting a dangerous precedent and they must stop it. Op-ed.
Israel:will find itself facing existential threats if current trends in Russia and the US continue to accelerate. Op-ed.
Market globalists, wokers and jihadists have found allies in each other.Op-ed.
Dragging Russia into the "swamp" of a bloody guerrilla war is a brilliant US tactical victory, but perhaps a fatal strategic mistake.Op-ed.
The neo-Marxist elite has begun to destroy not only democracy, but the states themselves, where. "everyone is at war with everyone." Op-ed.
The overthrow of Bibi is the first part of a multiphase project. The second phase begins now. Op-ed.
Do White normative men have rights? The media tell him of "cultural diversity", but he sees "cultural impoverishment" and a threat. Op-ed.
Netanyahu told the US that Iran, not Russia, is the main enemy, and the Russian president is positioned to help against the ayatollahs.Op-ed
Having started a "dirty revolution", globalists and progressives are destroying both democracy and America. Opinion.
How has the "liberal" media managed to turn successful leaders into unscrupulous monsters in the eyes of millions of people? Op-ed.
Two heads of a hydra, BLM and Antifa, don’t try to demolish rotten regimes. Driven by blind hatred, they bulldoze democratic states. Op-ed.
The pandemic divided Europe into two: rich Eurabia which plunged into chaos and relatively poor Eastern Europe which did not. Opinion.
Thought police run amok in the West, as elites prioritize rights of migrants over safety of native populations.