Terrorists sat at a restaurant, then went to hunt Jews
Arab teens indicted for thwarted attack. Would-be killers ate in Old City, played computer games - then bought an ax and went out to murder.
Arab teens indicted for thwarted attack. Would-be killers ate in Old City, played computer games - then bought an ax and went out to murder.
Arab terrorists launch rock barrage on bus and 2 cars, damaging vehicles and wounding 5 passengers, shortly after rock attack on light rail.
Border Police officers present at Wednesday morning's car attack in A-Tur describe how training saved their lives.
Arab suspects lead police on a car chase before crashing, at which point 60-year-old Tel Aviv man found bound and stabbed in trunk.
Three Arabs arrested for destroying Jewish graves on Mount of Olives, as police finally show signs of treating the epidemic.
Young couple, along with their four year-old son, narrowly escape Arab mob; "if they'd had a gun, it would have ended differently."
Jewish youths who fled an Arab mob in Jerusalem warn that without immediate action, there will be deaths.