The graduation ceremony
The graduation ceremonyIDF

84 haredi soldiers completed their combat training under the Home Front Command earlier this week. They will be stationed in towns throughout Judea and Samaria to reinforce local security squads. For some of them, this will mean being stationed in their hometown.

The program was dubbed 'Halacha Lema'aseh', a Hebrew term denoting the application of Jewish law to practical scenarios.

To date, some 300 soldiers have been trained in the program. During their training, they specialized in shooting and in a variety of combat scenarios. From the beginning of the war, many new Home Front Command soldiers have been recruited and trained in order to strengthen the defense of the communities in Judea and Samaria.

The Commander of the Central Command, Major General Avi Bluth said, "Today we are concluding the third cycle of our program. From this calamity, we are growing and giving birth to stronger forces. You have the privilege to take part in the mission of defense and to 'get under the stretcher' (a Hebrew term for sharing responsibility) in these historic and momentous events."

The commander of the Judea and Samaria Division Yaki Dolf commented, "The past year was one of the most challenging years that the State of Israel has ever known, in light of the war and the security and social challenges that it brought with it. Just now, at a time when our stability is being tested, the need for committed soldiers with values becomes critical. Today, it is our turn to stand as a bulwark and ensure that the home, the community, and the nation remain strong and secure.

The commander of the training, Brigadier General (res.) Pini Levi stated "The shortage of soldiers has grown. We have here people both religious and secular who understood the importance of our program and are ready to fulfill their mission."