Construction and Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf on Monday discussed the disagreements surrounding the Draft Law, saying that he expects young haredi men will receive an exemption from army service.
While visiting the sukkah (tabernacle) of Religious Affairs Minister Michael Malkieli (Shas), from which Kol Hai Radio was broadcasting, Goldknopf said: "They do not like it when I say what we have done, what we have given, and that we want the Draft Law and the minimum that is written [in the coalition agreements]."
"I want the nation of Israel to know that we are united, we help each other. We sit in the government, we sit in the coalition, and we give our part - and we want, one time, to knowthat we will also receive our part - what we deserve as partners. There is a large plate, from which everyone can take what he needs."
In an interview with Makor Rishon, Goldknopf emphasized, "Without any doubt, the Draft Law will pass before the budget is approved by the government. If it does not happen, we will not be in the government. They tricked us. We will not be in a government without a Draft Law, when we are deserters and they strip us of everything."
When asked about the difficulty inherent in passing a law which exempts young haredim from enlistment at a time when there is a shortage of soldiers, Goldknopf explained: "The Public Diplomacy Ministry can explain that. I need the Draft Law. They can draft the haredim who are not learning. This law does not create divisions, it unites all of Israel. Each person is responsible for the other - one learns, and one enlists."
He also stressed that haredi society has contributed in a fashion similar to that of the rest of society, saying, "Take into account that we need to be Torah learners and also to enlist - you cannot place everything on us."