Randy/Yisroel Settenbrino is the artist and developer of the Historic Blue Moon Hotel, The Sweet dreams Café and the Last Jewish Tenement Tours, His project was chosen by National Geographic as one of 150 in the Western Hemisphere. He writes on art, psychology, theology, and practical philosophy.He and his wife are also the proud parents of two IDF soldiers serving in Handasah Kravit.
Lavan’s legacy resides amongst the antizionist NGO’s. Lavan’s name signifies purity, yet he was a greedy charlatan who feigned love for his family while aggressively scamming and irrationally pursuing kin as they migrated from exile to the land of their fathers.
A fascinating historic event that resonates with the latest crop of Jewish Antizionists feverishly in hot pursuit of Israel. They represent themselves as Jews yet reveal by association and activities a personal and collective abandonment of any sense of mutuality, they are bereft of fidelity, familial reverence, and empathy for the long hard suffering oppression of their ancestors.
Jewish Israel-bashing has seeds in the psychological effect of antisemitism however, the cultivation of a hostile intelligentsia is made of a political purpose, best served by wayward and nefarious Jews, ready to usurp their identity credentials, or worse holocaust ancestry to authorize leftist and Islamist to destroy Israel.
Zionist, Labor Leader Berl Katznelson "Is there another People on Earth so emotionally twisted that they consider everything their nation does despicable and hateful, while every murder, rape, robbery committed by their enemies fill their hearts with admiration and awe?"
Ironically, they found a niche to capitalize on the most hated part of their identity and are of considerable use for collusion with antisemitic groups, leftist politics, academics, and a complicit media that adores abnormal fringe views and works in tandem with Islamists goals. Treacherous Jews who malign, reproach and swat at Israel add an air of credibility and dependability to slanderous accusations and appeals to humanity.
“We were not created in order to teach morals and manners to our enemies.”- Jabotinsky
Antizionists are not only an embarrassment, but they also imperil the delicate balance of stability and vulnerability Jews suffer at home and in diaspora.
Cythia Ozek: Jews of the new Judenrat, you who recognize the national rights of all peoples except Jews! All you who speak the word “humanity” in order to divest the Jews of their humanity! Is there not one among you who desires Israel to live!
The amount of effort, talent and wealth extended by insurrectionist Jews to sabotage their own people, is mindboggling. Pseudo Jewish NGOs are driven with a corporate zeal to expand, grow and increase their presence, opening new additions with more product variants than Coca-Cola : If Not Now, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Jewish Voices for Peace/Jewish Action, Jews against the Occupation, Jews for Free Palestine, Jews for Justice in the Middle East, B’Tselem/Breaking the Silence, Yesh Din, T'ruah etc.
All variations have the same calculated goal, fill the coffers to utilize faithless Jews as an appeal for humanity’s sake, and thereby influence public policy, in order to help the Arabs achieve a comprehensive victory; they could not achieve through war, murder, mayhem, and destruction. Their intentions are malicious, and applied covertly to cull the weak minded, and unaffiliated into thinking there is moral equivalency between Islamist intentions to obliterate the infidel Jew and the Jews intentions to exist peacefully and breath freely in their own land.
Antizionism is an ugly game, but it pays well, start your own NGO and you too can live in Beverly Hills.
There is considerable financial value in being a traitorous Jew, demand is strong amongst the wealthy and prestigious antisemites. Whereas concentration camp kappos acted under the threat of physical death while most antizionist kappos act out of a compulsion of money. Anti-Zionist players give literal meaning to Marx’s antisemitic imagery of the huckster Jew whose god is money, whose greed overcomes any concerns of being despised and held in contempt by their fellows or the danger on their doorstep,
J-Street accepted $576,500 to advocate for the Iran nuclear deal and helped clear a path for a crumbling regime of Mullah’s hell bent on nuking Israel with the means to do so, with a delivery of 150B and a path to the A Bomb. Anti-Zionist NGOs form a cottage industry disbursements are distributed via feeder funds, New Israel fund whose contributors include Open Society, TIDES, sent 34.6M for distribution to Antizionist NGOs, some other sources of mega funding has been provided by : E.U.s Consulate of France, Norwegian Embassy, Federal Republic of France, Federal Republic of Germany, U.K Foreign and Commonwealth office and the beat goes on to American turf too,
TIDES, Rockefeller Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund has given nearly $500,000 directly to Jewish Voice for Peace and grants to both the Tides Foundation and the Tides Center. Francis Najafi, a NIAC supporter, which lobbies for policies favorable to Iran, is supporter of J Street and the anti-Israel publication Jewish Currents
NGO JVP blames Oct. 7 massacre on Israel and the U.S. rather than Hamas and insist Israel is at fault and terrorists are liberators. According to the NGO Monitor, these firms are donor advised funding to Fidelity Morgan Stanley Global Impact, Schwab Charitable Fund, TIAA, Ford Foundation, Van Guard Charitable Endowment program, any and all pockets associated with the long sought after goal of the dismantlement of Israel.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The enemy combatant Jew knows himself and the brother which he has designated as his enemy, he uses camouflage to enter the mainstream to assert positions authoritatively that are not held by the wider Jewish world. The intention is to ensure a media and public discourse is provided with nefarious claims about Israel.
History has proven, treacherous Jews to be the fuse that ignites the most explosive antisemitism, providing license, to denounce, demoralize and target their birth nation.
In exile, Jew devolved into a byword, an aberration amidst gentile societies. Cycles of edicts, abuse violence, unabated wanton death, and communal destruction resulted in a certain strain of a prototypical self-hating Jew who succumb to a nuanced Stockholm Syndrome.
Marx “Self-contempt,” “is a serpent constantly gnawing at one’s breast. It sucks the lifeblood out of the heart and mixes it with the venom of the hatred of man and of despair.”
They transfer power and identity to the oppressors of Israel. Pathetic and weak in character they are trapped in a mental paradigm of craving removal of the Jewish stain, by the approval of the enemy at any cost, resulting in self-destructive renegade tendencies, relentlessly fixated on the vanishing point of the Jewish nation.
A montage of Jewish history presents a shameful spectacle of apostate disputations, polemist rousing peripheral Jew hatred and Kappos physically beating and shoving their brothers and sisters along the path of…. Physical extinction. The medieval era produced the phenomenon of the non- Jewish Hebrew priests, Jews who by volition broke with their ancestral chain and were ordained by the Church. Not satisfied with the distance they created, they worked feverishly to wreak havoc on their brethren until they would no longer have to look back at their origins, and in the process caused incalculable harm.
Apostate Pablo Christiani is responsible for the burning of the Talmud, a papal edict, ordering Jews to wear identifying badges, and was Nahmanides’s adversary in the Dispute in Barcelon, Johannes Pfefferkorn, encouraged Emperor Maximillian to confiscate Jewish books and caused immense physical suffering and death by preaching “Who afflicts the Jews is doing the will of God, and who seeks their benefit will incur damnation.”
Over the centuries, there has been “fruitful interaction” between Jewish apostates and the world’s anti-Semites, making for a distinctive Jewish contribution to “the politics and ideology of anti-Semitism” itself. Edward Alexander
The 19th Century brought forward the godless Karl Marx of Jewish descent, his contemptuous Jew-hatred brought medieval tropes to date and prepped communist and nazis with a primer for the 20th Century. “ Money is the jealous god of Israel. “The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world.” Marx’s solution.“ The Social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism.” “Polish Jews, who multiplied like lice, were the filthiest of all races” By the end of WWII Polish Jewry, was reduced from 3M to 100,000 by the end of the war.
While in Russia the Soviet Yevsetskiya were Stalin’s Jewish stooges, who were used to target religious Jews, they closed rabbinical schools staged show trials on the High Holy Days, and “witnesses” appeared in costumes to denounce Judaism and Zionism. By the early 1930s, they were all arrested and executed.
There was an “Association of German National Jews.” They directed their venom on OstJuden - Eastern European Jews and Zionist who were an obstruction to dissolve into their beloved host nation. In 1933, during a worldwide Jewish boycott against Germany they issued a statement of support for Hitler and announced Jews in Germany were being “fairly treated.” In 1935, the Nazis declared the Association of German National Jews illegal and founder Max Naumann was arrested by Gestapo.
Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. Churchill
It seems the forerunners of the contemporary movements, are hands down are Uber Kapos Finklestein and Chomsky; their subconscious fears of having to face the carnage of their progenitors was the driving force to transfer their power to their personal idols, the all-powerful indefatigable enemies of Israel. Their activism offered a means to save them from a gnawing feeling of helplessness and victimhood. In their demented worldview they are invaluable use, as a Super Kapos.
Norman Finkelstein Every victory of Hezbollah, I celebrate. Israel performs Mengele-like medical experiments on Palestinian prisoners” I say this without fear: for those who believe in freedom and dignity, we are all Hezbollah now.”
Noam Chomsky Hamas is a political party, and political parties don't recognize other countries. “Jews in the US are the most privileged and influential part of the population,” “privileged people want to make sure they have total control, not just 98% control.”
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur "The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived."
Jewish and non-Jewish haters continue unabated to protect and defend a culture which sanctifies death, knowing well and seeing in real time the Arab world: Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Egypt, Nigeria, and Pakistan…. is on fire with Islamic violence. Knowing well Israel continues to demonstrate the exemplary meaning of a culture that sanctifies life, defends, and protects all her civilians equally.
It stands to reason no rational person let alone a Jew could possibly be fixated on the sins of Israel, the only country in the Middle East where Christians have grown and not diminished in number, where Arabs enjoy the same basic freedoms as the West, where Arabs increased10+ fold climbing form 156,000 in 48 -to currently over 2M, where Arabs sit on the Supreme Court and some in the Knesset with contempt.
Jews respect all life despite deathly provocations, encumbrances of daily security measures, suffering widows and orphans, terror attacks, and missiles landing in their backyard Israel, the Jewish people outperform morally, and Israel perhaps unwisely endangers the lives of soldiers to preserve Arab civilians in war, by restraint, by respecting protocols of engagement, by way of sending out warning flyers, public announcements and phone calls warning civilians to move out of harm’s way; thus, engaging with the highest moral standards of any civilized country.
To those who want to protect the world and care about humanity to see reality as it is, should recall Ayn Rands wise words. “When you have civilized men fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are.”