Alexander Maistrovoy
Alexander MaistrovoyA. Maistrovoy

Till now not a single person has died of hunger in Gaza. They die in other parts of the world from Islamic genocide, in places like Sudan, Nigeria or the Congo, but nobody cares about it. The rights of Palestinian Arabs are above the rights of Sudanese Christians, Kurds, Boers in Southern Africa, or Baha’is in Iran.

Palestinian Arabs are the highest caste of mankind because they are a strike force aimed at destroying Western Judeo-Christian civilization.

The offensive is being waged on a broad and powerful front, which includes China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Islamists and, most importantly, Western globalists who hate their own peoples and Israel as a symbol of the triumph of Biblical prophecy.

The Jewish state, like the Jews before it, is once again at the forefront of history. Israel, outpost of Western civilization, is the enemy of the New Church of Globalism, and must disappear in the name of the triumph of the “Red-Green revolution.”

This “Red-Green revolution” involves the destruction of the very foundations of Western civilization: family, morality, freedom, rationalism, humanistic values, science, art, culture, national traditions, classical literature and philosophy.

In place of the existing civilized states of Europe and North America, a gigantic “consumer plankton” should arise, cemented by the merciless laws of Sharia.

Today, few people remember the “Alliance of Civilizations,” but it became the most outspoken expression of this project.

The "Alliance of Civilizations " of Obama, Zapatero (Prime Minister of Spain) and Erdogan, created in 2004, was nothing else but voluntary acceptance of dhimmitude status for Europe and the USA in a future Caliphate.

Active participants in the project included former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, South African Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General.

The Alliance declared that "politics, not religion, is at the heart of the growing Muslim-Western divide". This message demanded “correct” political decisions.

Which ones?

First aim: A radical change in the Western world through:

  • Education of youth
  • Mass migration from the Third World
  • Brainwashing by “liberal” media
  • Preaching of Islamic dominance as a “religion of peace”
  • Support of Iran, Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama's bows to the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo, desperate humiliating attempts to appease the ayatollahs, courtship with Erdogan, the idea of a mosque on of WTC grounds, a kūfīyä on Zapatero's neck, - all are the displays of this outlook.

20 years later we see that these goals have been achieved.

* The young generation is at the mercy of woke progressive constructs and is completely deprived of both national and cultural roots and critical thinking.

* Mass migration from Third World countries abounds almost everywhere (except Eastern Europe) and has radically changed the very ethnic structure of Western societies.

* The media has created a great Orwellian dystopia.

* Islam has become the supreme religion to which all other religions must submit: Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism.

* Aggressive Islamization has become a sign of the times.

The second key aim was the “end” of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:

As Israel is the main irritant to Muslims, it loses its right to exist. “Furthermore, the Arab-Israeli conflict has become a critical symbol of the deepening rift” (Press release of “Alliance of Civilizations”). Zapatero and Erdogan recognized this idea almost openly, Obama does it less obviously, but the essence does not change.

Their followers today in the White House and Brussels are inexorably moving towards their goal.

It’s unbelievable but the impression is that they were all just waiting for some monstrous event, like the 7.10 massacre. Less than a couple of months after the massacre of Jews, the White House and Brussels started talking about an immediate cessation of hostilities and the immediate creation of a Palestinian Arab state (!) within the 1949 borders under the hidden actual control of Hamas.

Biden demanded Israel stop the operation in Rafah. Thomas Friedman demanded that Israel withdraw from Gaza and return Sinwar to power. Schumer, on behalf of the Democratic Party, called for the overthrow of the legitimate government of Israel, which is too obstinate and unyielding. Western Europe launched a massive unilateral recognition of the “state of Palestine.” The UK and France are next in line. The UN and other globalist structures have launched an unprecedented persecution of Israel.

A significant part of the American and European elite has nothing against Israel as such. Some of them are even Jews, like Blinken or Shumer, or have Jewish spouses, like Kamala Harris and Keir Starmer. But they know that they are just cogs in the great globalist machine and must submit to it.

Naturally, the Iranian Ayatollahs, Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan's appetites are only growing. Left without Western support, moderate Sunni regimes are backed into a corner. This explains the desperate flirtations of al-Sisi, Crown Prince Mohammed, the UAE, Bahrain and King Abdullah with Iran and Hamas.

They risk sharing the fate of Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Syria, and their growing weakness and vulnerability inevitably will bring the alliance of globalists and Islamists closer to their cherished goal: the creation of the world Caliphate.

The ring is shrinking right before our eyes. The Islamists are openly or covertly supported by Western globalists calling for immediate creation of “Palestinian state” under the thinly disguised rule of Hamas.

The next Holocaust will cease to be an abstraction and become a reality. Israel will be left with only two options: to die without a fight or to destroy the enemies by means of a nuclear weapon.

Obama foresaw this, and that is why he was so persistent in demanding Israel open its nuclear program for IAEA oversight.

Today, his current followers believe that the current ruling elite in Israel will not dare to use a lethal arsenal even in a critical situation. And they are right.

But times change, and the elites change with them. Considering the tragic and painful history of Jews, from Maccabeus and Jerusalem's zealots to the Warsaw ghetto and the Six-Day War, I would not be too quick to draw conclusions.

Alexander Maistrovoy is the author of Agony of Hercules or a Farewell to Democracy (Notes of a Stranger), available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.