Pro-Palestinian signs at Indiana University
Pro-Palestinian signs at Indiana UniversityReuters/USA TODAY NETWORK

At least 33 people were detained on Indiana University’s campus on Thursday following a protest in which demonstrators called for a ceasefire in Gaza, CNN reported.

The Indiana University Police and Indiana State Police warned the individuals protesting “numerous times” on Thursday morning and afternoon to remove their structures and they would be allowed to stay, said a statement from the Indiana University Police Department.

“Following their refusal to comply with university policy, the group was advised to leave the area,” police said.

Officers gave a final warning at 3:46 p.m. and at 3:57 p.m. individuals who refused were detained and removed from the area, according to CNN.

“Indiana University Bloomington is a campus where we encourage and respect free speech and open dialogue,” a university spokesperson said in a statement. “To ensure the safety and security of the IU community and to avoid disruption of university operations, expressive activity must be conducted in accordance with university free speech and events policies. This includes the enforcement of policies that require advanced approval for the installation of temporary structures.”

Anti-Israel protests, which have at times turned violent, have been recorded on campuses throughout the US in recent days.

On Monday, at least 45 pro-Palestinian Arab protesters were arrested at Yale University after police in riot gear stormed the campus during a protest.

On Saturday night, as the protest was ongoing, a Jewish Yale student journalist was stabbed in the eye with a Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) flag.

Last Thursday, more than 100 people were arrested by New York Police Department officers on a preliminary charge of criminal trespass, as police entered Columbia University to disperse a pro-Palestinian Arab protest that began a day earlier.

Two nights later, the Chabad rabbi of Columbia University and a group of Jewish students were forced to leave the university campus for their own safety during a pro-Hamas demonstration.

On Wednesday, police arrested over a dozen people, including a local news photographer, at a pro-Palestinian Arab protest at the University of Texas at Austin.