Rabbi Yitschak Rudomin
Rabbi Yitschak RudominCourtesy
Influenced by the ideas of Rav Yitzchok Hutner (1906–1980)

The phenomenon of doubting God

In an online discussion about the role of God during the terrible events that struck Israel on October 7, 2023 someone posed the question of what kind of God would allow such horrible and terrible events to take place? People who have faith in God are praying and hoping for the best while on the other hand there are those who either do not have faith in God at all-atheists, or have serious questions about God's ways, meaning they are either sceptics or agnostics at best or nihilists at worst.
For the confirmed atheists, sceptics and agnostics, these questions did not begin on October 7, 2023 but rather are part of a worldview that either denies there is a God at all or raises serious questions about God and the way He lets death, suffering and evil exist in this world - and if they could only find the right answer/s to explain these issues they would maybe believe in God after all.
The Holocaust and the murder of six million Jews by the Nazis has been the most famous case in recent history of questioning why God would allow such a monstrous tragedy to befall the Jewish People. But it does not end or begin with the Holocaust and the recent war between the Arabs and Israel that started in all ferociousness on October 7, 2023. It goes far deeper than that and leads to the basic question as to why there is death and suffering in the world in the first place.
People fear death and dying in most of its forms and some people will mourn the loss of the tiniest pet while others become animal rights advocates fighting for the rights of all kinds of species to live in peace in their natural habitats without threat of being hunted and killed.
Origins of Death and Suffering in the Torah
The Torah and Judaism do not hide from the topic of death and suffering and in fact lay down the source of the problem in the first place. As hard as it is for secular non-religious minds to get their heads around it, the Torah (Bible) in its opening chapters teaches about the source and origins of death and suffering. In the Torah, the first time something is mentioned is its original source.
The first time death is mentioned is when God warns Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
כִּי בְּיוֹם אֲכָלְךָ מִמֶּנּוּ — מוֹת תָּמוּת "because on the day you eat from it you shall surely die" (Genesis 2:17).
As we know the evil Serpent in the Garden of Eden tricked Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and she then in turn fed the forbidden fruit to Adam. That then brought about the fulfilment of God's warning that they would surely die as well as infecting all later humanity that stems from them with the "congenital disease" of death all due to their fatal mistake of disobeying God's warning to them and what would follow if they disobeyed.

In addition to which, the Torah states that God cursed the Serpent to become a creeping crawling creature and eat from the dust of the Earth. Eve was cursed with the burdens of pregnancy and the pains of children and to be dominated by her husband. Adam was cursed to toil the land by the sweat of his brow (Genesis 3:14-19). God concludes the curses of Eve and Adam by emphasizing: בְּזֵעַת אַפֶּיךָ, תֹּאכַל לֶחֶם, עַד שׁוּבְךָ אֶל-הָאֲדָמָה, כִּי מִמֶּנָּה לֻקָּחְתָּ: כִּי-עָפָר אַתָּה, וְאֶל-עָפָר תָּשׁוּב "By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread until you return to the earth, because you were taken from it, since you are dust and to the dust you shall return." (Genesis 3:19).

All these are forms of suffering that no human beings can ever escape since all are consequently condemned to die and suffer no matter how long or short they live on God's Earth. So it is from God's word as stated and revealed in the Torah that death and suffering were brought about by the evil of the Serpent and the blunders of Eve and Adam that in turn infected humanity with death and added suffering as well.

Just as humanity takes on many shades and hues and exists in different places, contexts, times and ages, so does the original curse of death and suffering go with them wherever they go. The first death recorded in the Torah is the murder of Abel by his brother Cain. That is the first time the actual manifestation of the curse of death appears. From then on, from the murder of a brother, all types of deaths start manifesting themselves and as men learn to gather in groups and create armies to fight against each other and bring about large numbers of deaths by all sorts of killings, wars, famines and genocides.

The Seven Noahide Laws and the Ten Commandments

As humanity evolved from the time of Adam and Eve it sank lower and lower and became corrupt and corrupted until God Himself decided to destroy humanity in the times of Noah by bringing the great flood upon the Earth about 4,500 years ago that destroyed all life except for Noah and his immediate family and what was in the ark that God instructed Noah to build. After the great flood God gave Noah and humanity the Seven Noahide Laws one of which states:
שֹׁפֵךְ דַּם הָאָדָם, בָּאָדָם דָּמוֹ יִשָּׁפֵךְ: כִּי בְּצֶלֶם אֱלֹהִים, עָשָׂה אֶת-הָאָדָם "Whoever spills the blood of his fellow man, his blood shall be spilled by man because God created man in the Image of God".
God therefore made it clear that any person who murders his fellow human being must pay for that crime with his life. In other words life is not cheap and is not not to be taken lightly. It is a capital offense for one human being to murder another human being punishable by the death sentence.
The birth of the Children of Israel as a full grown nation in Ancient Egypt over 3,300 years ago is a turning point in the history of the Jewish People and humanity at large. After their miraculous Exodus from slavery in Ancient Egypt the Children of Israel head to Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments from God that are the quintessence of the entire Torah.
With regard to our topic, two of the commandments concerning the prohibition of murder and kidnapping (Exodus 20:12) stand out in particular: לֹא תִרְצָח...לֹא תִגְנֹב expressing God's abhorrence for murder and kidnapping and not just "stealing" but "stealing" (i.e. kidnapping) people, something that resonates in the post October 7, 2023 situation that saw the Arabs of Hamas and the Gaza Strip kidnapping nearly 250 Israeli Jews without mercy as well as murdering over 1,200 Jewish Israelis and others as well.

So it is clear from the Torah that God is concerned He opposes the murder and kidnapping of people. As to why God allows it to happen, that is because God has given humankind the freedom of choice to choose between Good and Evil and be accountable for that accordingly.
Yes, according to God's Master Plan for the world, all people are destined to die and return to the dust, but at the same time humankind is given the choice as to how to behave. Mankind is instructed and required to refrain from murder and kidnapping among many other Commandments and things that God instructs Jews and all humankind to do or not to do.

Ishmael and Esau: Two Lethal Enemies of the Jewish People

It must be noted that according to the Torah there are two forces, one coming from Abraham's son Ishmael and the other from Isaac's son Esau, who are the deadliest and most dangerous enemies of the Children of Israel and the Jewish People especially in the last two thousand years.
In earlier history it was the Ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and their armies and empires that wreaked havoc and destroyed the Jewish Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, killing many of the inhabitants of Israel and Judah and subjecting the survivors to exile. But what came after those destructive empires was even worse, the armies of Rome (Esau) and then the hordes of the Ishmaelites.

The Roman Empire destroyed the Second Jewish Temple in Judea about 2,000 years ago sending the Jews into a 2,000 year long exile. About 1,500 years ago Islam came to the fore as both a religion and as the belief system of the Arab speaking people. Today there are roughly about two billion Christians that follow the Christian religion that originally was spread by the Roman Empire that became the core of the Roman Catholic Church that dominated European countries. There are also about two billion followers of Islam that have grown from the region of Arabia dominated by the Arabs.

According to Jewish belief and thought these two forces and peoples have their roots in the Biblical Ishmael and Esau. They are also the two groups that have relentlessly and mercilessly opposed the Jewish People for the last 2,000 years causing much Jewish bloodshed and suffering. The Torah says that God predicted that Ishmael would be:
וְהוּא יִהְיֶה, פֶּרֶא אָדָם — יָדוֹ בַכֹּל, וְיַד כֹּל בּוֹ; וְעַל-פְּנֵי כָל-אֶחָיו, יִשְׁכֹּן "And he shall be a wild ass of a man: his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the face of all his brethren" (Genesis 16:12).
That speaks of Ishmael's rapacious and dangerous nature that is the hallmark of his purported descendants as well. Today we see that is the hallmark of the Muslims, be they Arab or Iranian, and the Ishmaelites such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and their ilk as they practice and instigate murder of Jews, and unrelenting terror against the Jewish People as had been foretold at the inception of Ishmael and his seed.

Roughly for the past one hundred years and certainly since the founding of modern Israel with the obvious ingathering of the Jewish exiles from all over the world into the borders of the Land of Israel, it has been a struggle with Ishmael's Arab descendants in particular.
Ishmael's Arabs have inflicted untold death, carnage and suffering on the Jews of Israel who are nevertheless not deterred by the attacks against them and continue to make Israel grow and to make the Land of Israel flourish like it has never done for about 2,000 years. The deaths of Jews who fight and die in this great war of survival become sanctified as Kedoshim (Holy) fighting and dying Al Kiddush HaShem: Sanctifying God's Name!

Esau and his progenies' destiny is chillingly foretold by God in the Torah that:
וְעַל-חַרְבְּךָ תִחְיֶה... וְהָיָה כַּאֲשֶׁר תָּרִיד, וּפָרַקְתָּ עֻלּוֹ מֵעַל צַוָּארֶךָ... וַיֹּאמֶר עֵשָׂו בְּלִבּוֹ, יִקְרְבוּ יְמֵי אֵבֶל אָבִי, וְאַהַרְגָה, אֶת-יַעֲקֹב אָחִי "And by thy sword shalt thou live...and it shall come to pass when thou shalt break loose, that thou shalt shake his yoke from off thy neck...And Esau said in his heart: 'Let the days of mourning for my father be at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob.'" (Genesis 27:40-41)
This aptly describes the murderous nature of not just Esau but of his seed and descendants that according to the Torah is mainly to be found in all the areas of the world where the Roman Empire reached and then metamorphosed into the Roman Catholic Church specifically, Christendom in general and then spread to the nations of Europe such Spain, Germany and Russia that relentlessly persecuted the Jewish People in their midst.

The Holocaust and murder of six million Jews during the Second World War (1939–1945) was the ugliest manifestation of Esau's hatred of Jacob and of Esau's homicidal and genocidal nature as exhibited in the Torah by the nation of Amalek that was descended from Esau's grandchild (Genesis 36:12). Both Esau and Ishmael become the emissaries of death and suffering to afflict the Jewish People in our times. In some ways it is a predetermined thing that God has planned for the world, to put the Jewish People through tests and at the end of time those Jews who suffered and died as martyrs and victims of the evil perpetrated by Esau and Ishmael will receive an eternal reward from God.

Thus death has many ways of intruding into the life of a Jew not just when a Jew dies "peacefully" of "natural causes" but also when it arrives in the form of war, murder, persecution, antisemitism, and Jew hatred.

Chad Gadya on Passover and the long view of Jewish death and suffering

There is a customary poem-song that is sung by Jews at the end of the Passover Seder at night that is called Chad Gadya; "one kid (little goat)" that has been interpreted as having symbolic and even near prophetic meaning as its words can be taken as symbolic of larger and greater concepts and metaphors about Jewish suffering at the hands of the gentiles: "According to some modern Jewish commentators, what appears to be a light-hearted song may be symbolic. One interpretation is that Chad Gadya is about the different nations that have conquered the Land of Israel: The kid symbolizes the Jewish people; the cat, Assyria; the dog, Babylon; the stick, Persia; the fire, Macedonia; the water, Roman Empire; the ox, the Saracens; the slaughterer, the Crusaders; the angel of death, the Ottomans. At the end, God returns to send the Jews back to Israel. The recurring refrain of 'two zuzim' is a reference to the two stone tablets given to Moses on Mount Sinai (or refer to Moses and Aaron)." (Wikipedia).

But in its most basic meaning its conclusion is about God Himself putting an end to death at the end of history:
וְאָתָא הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא וְשָׁחַט לְמַלְאַךְ הַמָּוֶת. דְשָׁחַט לְשּׁוֹחֵט. דְשָׁחַט לְתוֹרָא. דְשָׁתָה לְמַיָּא. דְכָבָה לְנוּרָא. דְשָׂרַף לְחוּטְרָא. דְהִכָּה לְכַלְבָּא. דְנָשַׁךְ לְשׁוּנְרָא. דְאָכְלָה לְגַדְיָא. דְּזַבִּין אַבָּא בִּתְרֵי זוּזֵי. חַד גַּדְיָא. חַד גַּדְיָא
"Then came The Holy One, Blessed be He, and smote the angel of death, who slew the slaughterer, who killed the ox, that drank the water, that put out the fire, that burned the stick, that beat the dog, that bit the cat, that ate the goat, Which my father bought for two zuzim. One little goat, one little goat."

"There are many interpretations for this song, ranging from on-the-surface commentary to deep esoteric Kabbalistic elucidations. The most common explanation is that the 'kid' refers to the Jewish nation, exiled and tormented through the generations, while the various cats, dogs, and sticks denote the many nations that have risen against us until G‑d ultimately rescues his people and avenges their suffering, bringing them full Redemption (symbolized by the killing the angel of death (Chabad.org).

Rabbi Yitschak Rudomin was born to Holocaust survivor parents in Israel, grew up in South Africa, and lives in Brooklyn, NY. He is an alumnus of Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin and of Teachers CollegeColumbia University. He heads the Jewish Professionals Institute dedicated to Jewish Adult Education and Outreach Kiruv Rechokim. He was the Director of the Belzer Chasidim's Sinai Heritage Center of Manhattan 19881995, a Trustee of AJOP 19941997 and founder of American Friends of South African Jewish Education 19952015. He is also a docent and tour guide at The Museum of Jewish Heritage A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in Downtown Manhattan, New York.

He is the author of The Second World War and Jewish Education in America: The Fall and Rise of Orthodoxy. Contact Rabbi YitschakRudomin at izakrudomin@gmail.com