According to Google Trends, the fifth result that Israelis searched for during the Iranian attack was the word "Psalms".
In fourth place in the search rankings was "A Psalm of Thanksgiving". The third most sought search in Israel in the past day is "New York Times".
The word "news" took first place. Also, the number of people who searched for "The General Atonement", a term for ten Psalms with special meaning according to Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, also jumped in popularity.
The chairman of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization and Rabbi of Shoham, Rabbi David Stav, commented in an interview with Arutz Sheva - Israel National News on the search data and said "I was surprised and so happy. On one hand, we know that ultimately God is the one who leads the world and directs everything. On the other hand, we are very happy about the technological and other capabilities of the State of Israel and its partnerships. We know that strength alone is not enough but also need knowledge and wisdom from the Creator of the World and we also need our effort.
"I was happy to see that the people of Israel, with their healthy senses, understood that there is no contradiction here. That turning to the Book of Psalms is not a substitute for the Air Force and vice versa," adds Rabbi Stav.
He explains the search for 'A Psalm of Thanksgiving' alongside other Psalms chapters. "After quoting so many Psalms last night asking God to help us - we cannot forget it the next day - hence we need to say 'A Psalm of Thanksgiving' to God who granted His wisdom and understanding to our forces so they could use all of it to protect the people of Israel."
Rabbi Stav also emphasizes that "We need to thank God and also His messengers - our pilots and other pilots - who worked very hard to protect us. There is no contradiction between thanking God and expressing gratitude to a person who has brought us to a place of salvation."
He was also asked about the opinion that one should not say Psalms at night in contexts like the last night when Israel was under security threat. "According to the law it is allowed to say at night but according to Kabbalah, it is customary not to say. Also according to Kabbalah, in a situation of life risk or great need - it is said even at night."