Only one in four Muslims in the UK believe that Hamas committed murder and rape on October 7, according to a new Henry Jackson Society (HJS) poll conducted to mark the six-month anniversary of the massacre.
The extensive survey brought a series of questions to Muslims living in Britain and similar questions were asked among the general public.
For example, the survey shows that 32 percent of British Muslims would like to see the imposition of Sharia law in the country, compared to 9 percent among the British population as a whole.
46 percent of Muslim respondents claimed that Jews have too much power over British government policy, compared to 16 percent of the population as a whole. 41 percent of Muslim respondents claimed that Jews have too much power in the media industry and 39 percent said that Jews have too much power over Britain's economic system.
When asked if Hamas committed murder and rape during the October 7 massacre, only 24 percent of Muslims believed the Hamas crimes occurred, compared to 62 percent of the general public in Britain.