Lab (illustrative)
Lab (illustrative)iStock

Professor David Bider, a gynecologist and fertility expert, has been named as the doctor suspected of involvement in the import of eggs which carry a genetic illness.

The eggs, imported from Georgia, carry hemophilia B, a genetic illness which causes blood-clotting issues and which can be life-threatening.

On Friday, the court ordered the doctor's name publicized, after a police representative claimed that the suspicions against him had weakened.

The police are investigating a suspicion that Prof. Bider and a second suspect knew that the eggs were donated by a woman who is a carrier for hemophilia B.

Professor Bider, meanwhile, claims that he only found out later, and that he reported to the Health Ministry immediately upon learning of the matter.

A police representative noted the importance of publicizing Prof. Bider's name, saying, "I think that the confusion was created since those women are pressured, they don't know who the donor was. Women come to me and say, 'I am 62, is everything okay with me?'"