When the dangerous and fanatic leaders of Iran, called the state of Israel the “Little Satan” and the USA, the “Big Satan”, they were planning for the destruction of both!!
When Muammar Ghaddafi decided not to build nuclear weapons, he envisioned that he would be able to control Europe by having his loyal males marry the women of Europe, and dominate the continent in 30 years!!
When many radical Muslim spiritual leaders across the globe, preach for world domination of Islam and the destruction of all Infidels, they mean every word that they utter. Unfortunately, their followers take these words as a religious ruling to implement a mandatory spiritual mission. These dreams, if realized, will put in danger: Atheists, Christians, Jews, moderate Muslims, and others.
When the self-serving, corrupt, and cruel leaders of Hamas promised in public, that they will repeat the atrocities that Hamas committed against Jews and non-Jews, on October the 7th, 2023, until they kill all the Jews, we should believe them. At the same time, we should be aware of the fact that they are a part of the radical Islamic movement, which is aiming for world domination.
When oblivious political leaders try to impose a two-state solution on the state of Israel these days, they ignore the fact, that there was already a two-state solution implemented in Palestine, when the British gave about 80% of the land of Mandatory Palestine, to the Hashemite family, to create the Hashemite Kingdom of Trans Jordan, that had a population of more than 70% of Arab Palestinians.
When the 1947 UN resolution for the creation of another two-state solution, on the remaining 20% of the land, was presented, the Jews accepted it, but the neighboring Arab states rejected it, and initiated a war to destroy the reestablished state of Israel on the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people.
When the State of Israel together with the USA and others, offered to create another, totally new, Arab Palestinian state, on a part of the remaining 20% of the Mandatory Palestine, the offer was rejected multiple times, by the Arab Palestinians.
When a peace process was developing in the Middle East between the State of Israel and multiple Arab states, the corrupt and self-serving Arab Palestinian leadership, continued with cruel and destructive policies of deception, brain washing, and bribery, of their own population, and that of others, against any reconciliation with the state of Israel.
When Iran developed its evil network of proxies in the region, they also included the terror organization Hamas, that controlled Gaza since 2006.
When Hamas oversaw the education and the indoctrination of their own people, they created a ruthless and cruel population which included male and female, of all ages. Hamas did not care about their own people, as they even used them as human shields to protect terrorists.
When Hamas, the proxy of Iran, decided to launch thousands of rockets, and invade the State of Israel, on October the 7th, 2023, they committed horrible atrocities which included, killing indiscriminately, civilian Jews and non-Jews, raping women, burning children, kidnapping hostages of all ages, and more. Hamas did not care that many of these rockets fell in Gaza, killing their own people too.
When many of the civilian Arab Palestinian population - adults, and children, followed the invading Hamas terrorists, they amplified the impact of the atrocities, by looting, killing, and burning Israeli civilians. Ironically, many of these Israeli victims used to help the same Arab Palestinians, by providing them with decent employment, personal friendships, medical support, etc. But despite these friendships, they were killed and mutilated indiscriminately.
When the civilian Arab Palestinians of Gaza, saw the tortured Israeli hostages and the kidnapped dead bodies, they cheered the terrorists, spit on and beat the victims, and offered celebratory candies and other treats, to their neighbors.
When the Israeli military entered Gaza, to try to find and free the hostages and to overrun the terrorists, they found that a very large part of the civil population were active Hamas operatives or willing supporters of their networks. They dug terror tunnels and stored rockets, ammunition, and other military equipment and infrastructure, in/under, UN facilities, hospitals, schools, mosques, and even in private homes.
In multiple occasions, when the Israeli military shot at hostile terrorists, some of them were even dressed in civilian clothes. Chain reactions of explosions followed, due to the detonation of large amounts of ammunition and explosives, which were stored nearby.
When the Israeli military found the extent of the network of these tunnels, it became even more obvious that many of the tunnels and the openings, which were used to attack the Israelis, were dug, and maintained by the local “innocent” population.
When practical and wise leaders, will try again to reach a formula for a peaceful resolution to this serious ongoing conflict, the following first steps will have to be considered seriously:
1. Eliminate the entire terrorist infrastructure
2. Stop deception, brainwashing, and malicious propaganda, in all schools and in all other media outlets
3. Educate the children and the adults, to support a peaceful resolution of the conflict
4. Share truthful information with all the local and the international communities
5. Give the people hope for a better future
6. Marginalize and eliminate all the self-serving and malicious leaders
7. Educate a new generation of leaders who will work to create a better future for all people
8. Solidify broad international support, as eliminating terror is definitively, in their own interests too
9. Do not force any short-cuts and allow for a proper education to takes an impactful effect first.
When responsible and serious efforts will be made by all parties, for a generation, a peaceful resolution will be possible, to the benefit of the region, and to the benefit of the free world.