Rabbi Yitzhak Sheilat
Rabbi Yitzhak SheilatHezki Baruch, Arutz Sheva

Head of Yeshivat Birkat Moshe in Ma'ale Adumim, Rabbi Yitzchak Sheilat, responded to the uproar caused by Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef's remarks about leaving the country if Bnei Torah (Torah scholars) were recruited to the IDF.

"It's embarrassing that someone who holds the title of Rishon LeZion, the Sephardi Chief Rabbi, would make such a statement," Rabbi Shilat said in an interview with Benny Teitelbaum to Kan Moreshet. "I imagine he didn't mean it seriously."

He also commented on Rabbi Yosef's statement that Torah scholars are from the tribe of Levi, "While Torah scholars are not from the tribe of Levi, it is true is that they have a very important role among the people of Israel and this role is definitely protecting the people of Israel and continuing the tradition of generations."

"However," he clarified, "that does not mean that Torah scholars are exempt from serving in the army when there is a compulsory war (a war that is a mitzvah, such as when Jews must be saved from their enemies or the war is one commanded by the Torah)."