White House
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The White House recently asked the State Department and the Pentagon for a list of all weapons transfers to Israel that are planned or are up for approval in the coming weeks, four US officials told Axios on Thursday.

The White House is seeking a full accounting of the government's weapons assistance to Israel as criticism and pressure grow across the political spectrum of US support for Israel in the war in Gaza.

The US officials told Axios the request is not a signal of an imminent move by the White House to slow-walk or suspend any weapons transfers to Israel and stressed the Biden administration has no plans to restrict military assistance to Israel at this time.

A US official said another reason for the request was to check it with a list Israel gave to the Biden administration that laid out the weapons systems Israel is prioritizing.

A source with direct knowledge of the issue claimed the White House request was routine and has happened in recent years with US military assistance to Ukraine, but Axios’ Barak Ravid notes that this is the first time since the October 7 attack by Hamas that a list was requested regarding weapons transfers to Israel.

The aim was for the White House to get a status update of defense export licenses that are pending and arms transfers that are in the pipeline, the source said.

Last week, Axios reported that the Biden administration gave Israel until mid-March to sign a letter that provides assurances that it will abide by international law while using US weapons and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza.

The assurances are now a requirement under a memorandum issued by President Joe Biden. While it does not single out Israel, the new policy came after some Democratic senators expressed concern over the Israeli military campaign in Gaza. If the assurances aren't provided by the deadline, US weapon transfers to the country will be paused.

The memorandum was issued by the White House after pressure from Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and other senators who wanted to add these requirements as an amendment to the Senate supplemental funding bill.

According to Axios, Van Hollen said in a briefing with reporters on Wednesday that he has discussed with State Department officials in recent days whether the current restrictions by Israel on the entry of humanitarian aid to Gaza trigger the memorandum's provisions or other laws that deal with US military assistance.

Van Hollen said the administration should already suspend any weapons transfer to Israel until it signs the letter of assurances and added that he told other members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that they should block military assistance until Israel abides by US laws and conditions.