MK Ohad Tal at the conference
MK Ohad Tal at the conferenceCourtesy

MK Ohad Tal (Religious Zionism) called for pro-Israeli supporters to stand against the move to recognize a Palestinian state and support Israel's right to achieve full victory in the war.

Tal delivered the speech delivered during the NRB conference, the yearly gathering of conservative media which took place over the last weekend in Nashville, Tennessee. MK Tal participated as part of his involvement and partnership with the Israel Allies Foundation.

In his speech, Ohad Tal, chairman of the lobby for Israel-US Jewry relations and a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, presented a question to hundreds of media members and influencers from all over the US: "Is this really a policy you are interested to have the United States lead in the Middle East after the massacre on October seventh? To force its closest ally, in the midst of war, to establish a terrorist state in the heart of the country, merely a few kilometers away from Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Ben Gurion International Airport?"

Tal continued, "To impose such a dramatic move on Israel, one which would endanger the existence of the only Jewish state in the world, is a destructive move that cannot be accepted, certainly not from the country which is our closest ally“.

He also added that, "We must send a clear message - America will not reward terrorism and will not impose an existential threat on our ally”.

MK Tal addressed the audience and said: "I am asking you, our friends, to stand by us and to help the State of Israel -win the war, crush the sadistic enemy, protect our borders, and bring home every man, woman and child held captive in Gaza."

"This is the only way to ensure peace, prosperity, and true stability in the Middle East and in the entire world."