Police vehicle
Police vehicleIsrael Police spokesperson

Following a pursuit, Jerusalem police on Thursday night arrested an illegal Palestinian Arab alien who stole a car, drove it wildly in an attempt to flee, hit the cars of civilians on the road, almost ran over a police officer and lightly injured a driver.

Following a report which was received about a vehicle that was stolen from Mevaseret Zion and was traveling towards Jerusalem, the Jerusalem District Police identified the vehicle near the French Hill and signaled it to stop. When the suspect noticed that a police car was pursuing him, he tried to flee the scene by driving wildly, hitting vehicles and endangering other users of the road.

The suspect drove backwards and wildly collided with a civilian vehicle, and began to flee while almost running over a police officer. The officer fired at the rear wheel of the stolen vehicle, but the suspect managed to escape towards Pisgat Ze'ev by driving wildly, once again putting other users of the road at real risk when he hit several vehicles on the road.

During the pursuit, the officers carried out an arrest procedure that included shooting at the suspect, a 37-year-old resident of Qalqilya without a residence permit, who was injured and taken to hospital in light-to-moderate condition. The stolen vehicle was seized.