US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan
US National Security Adviser Jake SullivanAryeh Lev Abrahams/Flash 90

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan claimed at the World Economic Forum in Davos today (Tuesday) that peace between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs is possible in the "near term" despite the ongoing war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization.

After the war in Gaza, an arrangement is needed that includes normalization, security for Israel, and a state for the Palestinians, said Sullivan.

“It is not impractical," he claimed. "The pieces are there to be put together to achieve this outcome; and not years down the road, but in the near term, if all of us pull together and make the wise and bold decisions to choose this course."

Sullivan also said that the US is working on finding a path to normalization with partners in the Middle East.

"The US wants to see the normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel linked to a political horizon for the Palestinians," he said.

He later addressed the differences of opinion and said that "the Israeli government has clear views on this issue. But in the end, the Israeli government will have to choose how to ensure Israel's security."

"President Biden thinks that the best way to do this is two states within which Israel's security will be guaranteed."

He did not address the Palestinian Authority's ongoing incitement against Israel and the Jewish people, educating its people to pursue violence against Jews instead of peace. Nor did he address the PA's continuation of its 'pay for slay' policy in which it prioritizes rewarding terrorists who murder Israelis, including giving millions to the terrorists who participated in the massacre of October 7, further incentivizing Palestinian Arabs to murder Jews. Both issues make achieving peace with the Palestinian Arabs far more difficult.