The Welfare State, the great pride of Western civilization, the latest achievement of democracy of a civilized, democratic and well-fed West, has ended. The Toronto Sun reports that Canadian government websites no longer talk about "women", but about "menstruating employees."
People's Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier thunders against Trudeau's "gender-obsessed" government which is waging a systematic attack on masculinity and turning men “into non-binary, trans, gender-fluid, weak and effeminate sissies.”
They can't really believe themselves. Instead, it's another sign of what I called a "cultural apocalypse". The West is seduced by it, attracted, we build it, we long for it, we are its disciples.
It would be easy to dismiss the story. But Canada has become a great theme park for woke ideology.
“This ideology shapes the elite and the future elite,” says the French Jewish philosopher Alain Finkielkraut to the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. “Woke is the installation of hatred for the West in the heart of the West. Octavio Paz described how we have perverted the great critical tradition that has kept our societies in constant dialogue with themselves. We have perverted it by putting it at the service of hatred towards ourselves and our world. Catastrophe occurs when things follow their course, said Walter Benjamin."
With the Menstrual Equity for All Act (2021), California placed tampon machines in men's bathrooms. Now in Canada, they are installed in all bathrooms of public buildings, including Parliament. The English Lib Dems have just decided that "it is not a matter for biological women only".
Women become men, then "pregnant men." Abracadabra!. In recent weeks, a kit on "men menstruate too" has arrived in English schools and pads are now also found in the restrooms of the Welsh Parliament and in British government departments.
In Western universities it is called “equity”. A Finnish company has produced a "tampon for men only". You can find them at the University of Sydney, and also at the University of Stuttgart, in Germany, where once taught Robert Spaemann, a great thinker who was a long-time research and study companion of Pope Ratzinger.
Also at Brown University, in America. Who knows if those Brown professors who praised Hamas' October 7th brought them in. Also at the University of Birmingham, the second English city with 30 percent Muslim population.
A atrange West, where the word “fisherman” is now offensive. Writer Patricia Cornwell revealed that she is using the word “fisherfolk” instead of “fisherman” to avoid offending her readers. The queen of crime thrillers reveals to the Telegraph that she is constantly grappling with the question of what words are considered acceptable or not.
We make a lot of noise about this and other similar stories because our Western moment is so damned stupid.
Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, in the last few hours the Taliban have launched the first crackdown on women who do not wear the Islamic veil correctly. And then I thought about the head of the British Armed Forces, Nick Carter, who in the days of the escape from Kabul (already forgotten by the entire Western establishment) said that we should not call the Taliban "enemies".
“Take back your freedom from terrorist dogs.” Thus stated the American leaflet once dropped in the province of Parwan, a few kilometers north of Kabul. Accompanying it is an image: a lion chasing a dog. A white dog, like the Taliban flag. On his body, as on the flag of black turbans, an inscription, the shahada, the testimony of Islamic faith.
The lion is dead, replaced by a fluid rabbit. So, after we handed Afghanistan back to the Taliban two years ago, I wrote: “America returns to the serious stuff, transgender bathrooms.” Maybe this is how we will win: by throwing Woke and transgender leaflets from the sky at Hamas, the ayatollahs, ISIS and the Taliban.