Shay Avramson
Shay AvramsonIDF Spokesperson

IDF chief cantor, Lt. Col. Shay Abramson, posted on Facebook, calling on couples to invite him to sing at their weddings, together with the military band that accompanies him.

Abramson has been busy from the first day of the war singing at funerals, from there he runs to visit the injured in hospitals. In the evening he sings for couples under the chuppah (wedding canopy), and then he runs back to funerals.

Abramson told Israel National News – Arutz 7 why he decided to write the post and share his feelings: "I'm on a mental roller coaster, going through transitions between funerals and weddings. There are many people who wanted to get married, but the times don't allow it."

He added that, "The number of funerals is unimaginable, I never dreamed in my worst dreams that I would participate in so many funerals. The weddings are a bright spot that keep me above water, give me air to breathe."

He added: "We need to find the bright spots, and yes, there are bright spots even in this dark time, and we must stick to them."

About the weddings that he has already attended, Abramson said: "It's very emotional, these are non-standard events. Without exception, everyone wants to hear the prayer for the wellbeing of the soldiers."

Abramson shared that the common message he hears from the bereaved families at all funerals is a call for unity in the nation, adding that this is nothing less than the will of the fallen.

During his visits abroad he meets with students and talks with them about the war and the situation in Israel: "The students in Germany are very smart, they want to hear both sides. I tell them that if they close their eyes to what is happening in Israel, it will surprise them in their own country," he said.

"Since the horrors of October 7th, I find myself appearing more and more in makeshift wedding ceremonies on IDF bases, and other random places where soldiers are convening in the south and north," Abramson wrote on Facebook.

He then called to all soldiers: "I decided to invite you, regular and reserve IDF soldiers, commanders, and officers who are planning to get married during the war – contact us, tell us your story and I, together with my soldiers, the talented musicians, will do our best to take part in your special moment under the chuppah, to be happy and excited together."