Giulio Meotti
Giulio MeottiCourtesy
In no other country in the world does the winner of political elections have to appear in public wearing a bulletproof vest.

“Holland: immigration, Islamization and mass pro-Palestinian demonstrations have opened the doors to Geert Wilders' electoral victory” writes Jessica Durlacher on Weltwoche.

Not in the eyes of our "reflective class", which only sees the populist spectrum, never the Islamist one.

But we have to get to Holland by making a wider circle and passing through France and Ireland.

Because in the vibrant, multicultural West, the stabbing of the native population is becoming routine. After last Saturday's small pogrom during a village dance in rural France, three children were stabbed at the Catholic school in Cólaiste Mhuire in Dublin.

Or as the BBC put it, “three children and a school care assistant were stabbed outside a primary school”.

Almost as if the knife did everything by itself.

Almost like Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar who wrote this about a nine-year-old Israeli girl, Emily Hand, exchanged yesterday by Hamas with some terrorists in Israeli prisons: "An innocent little girl was lost and has now been found".

Is she “lost”? Like Hansel and Gretel in the woods? “Kidnapped by Hamas” was a better choice, no?

The French press spent the days following the Crépol attack calling it a “brawl” between teenagers. But this, more than a brawl, was the expedition of a gang of North Africans who came out of the nearby town with the specific purpose of "killing the whites", bringing 25 centimeter blades with which to stab the sixteen-year-old Thomas in the throat and chest, killing him.

But the Frenchman of Italian origin, Thomas Perotto, like the Catholic children of Dublin, was not lucky enough to wear a jacket like Wilders. Maybe at least his chest would have been saved.

But despite the media-governmental silence, in Europe everyone who wants to know the truth knows it.

The European political class has embarked on a crazy and unprecedented experiment that discards all the most basic maxims of prudence: they have decided to transform Europe’s nations into something “different”.

But let's go back to Holland.

The man who won the elections, Geert Wilders, received 600 death threats in one year. Even on TV debates, this strange blond-haired guy who spent six months in an Israeli kibbutz wears a bulletproof vest. He lives in one or more “safe houses”. A "safe", Ronald Sorensen, a former PVV senator, defines it. Wilders is protected by an army unit.

We were therefore wrong to think that bulletproof jacket should only be worn by Pervez Musharraf in court in Pakistan or Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the border with Gaza and Lebanon.

In a speech to Parliament, Wilders said:

“For the last eight years I have lived under 24-hour police protection. Wherever I go, the police come with me. I live in a government safe house that is heavily secured and bulletproof. Every day I am driven from the shelter to Parliament in armored police cars with flashing blue lights. I haven't walked down the street alone for eight years.

"When I occasionally go to a restaurant or the cinema, the police will have to check everything first. My wife and I lived in army barracks and prison cells just to be safe from killers. Why do I need this protection? I am not a president or a king; I am a simple parliamentarian. However, I was sentenced to death for criticizing Islam. I was placed under police protection in 2004, when an Islamic fanatic killed the Dutch director Theo van Gogh because he had criticized Islam. Van Gogh was murdered in broad daylight on the streets of Amsterdam.

"A few hours later, the police found a letter written by the killer threatening to kill me too. What did I do, you may ask, to deserve those death threats? I candidly expressed my opinions on Islam. My opinion, simply put, is that Islam, rather than a religion, is predominantly a totalitarian ideology striving for world domination. I believe that Islam and freedom are incompatible. But I speak and will continue to speak, whatever the consequences: I don't want Europe and America to become Islamic."

When Salman Rushdie's “The Satanic Verses” was released, employees at his publishing house were asked to wear bulletproof vests. Then, like drug addicts, we got addicted.

Bulletproof West!

What about the president of the French National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, and the television host Arthur, two Frenchmen who in recent days have been placed under guard because they are Jews?

A third of all personalities under guard in France are because of Islam.

In this strange Europe, even the youngest bishop in the history of the Church of England, the friend of Benedict XVI, son of a Muslim who converted to Christianity, Michael Nazir-Ali, was assigned a police escort after the Islamists attacked him. He has received death threats for reporting the existence of “no go areas” for non-Muslims in the UK.

There is only one newspaper in Europe whose address is a state secret: Charlie Hebdo, which has more security guards than journalists. Its former director Philippe Val lives in a house with bulletproof windows, police officers and a "safe room". 85 police officers to protect a single editorial team of journalists and cartoonists. Today Charlie's headquarters has six armored doors, an X-ray system and a "panic room", which they have to enter if they hear suspicious noises.

Like all newspapers, Charlie cannot afford to lose copies. But for a different reason than the others. The French state does not protect locals, it is solely responsible for protecting people. Each Charlie employee is always accompanied by a car with two policemen on board. And if the threat intensifies, another motorcycle or armored car arrives. For this reason, to pay for the additional security, part of the income must be reinvested.

There is only one academic in the West with a bulletproof vest, the Egyptian Hamed Abdel Samad (“one day an officer of the Berlin Criminal Police gave me a bulletproof vest and told me that from now on I would have to wear it during my lectures ”). Because Samad wrote a book with a title that, like Wilders, is not subtle: “Islamic Fascism”.

But Hayko Bagdat, a Turkish-Armenian cabaret artist living in Germany, also performs only wearing a bulletproof vest. “The authorities ordered me to wear a bulletproof vest,” Bagdat revealed to Bild. “I think I'm the first person since World War II to have to wear a vest like that.”

Then there is the anthropologist Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, placed under protection after the publication of a book against the Muslim Brotherhood, the grandfathers of Hamas. In France we range from Marika Bret to Ophélie Meunier, who filmed the Islamization of Roubaix on prime time TV, and simple students like Mila, also taken away from the military school where she had taken refuge following the 50,000 death threats she received since he "offended" Islam on social media.

And then Masih Alinejad, a prominent Iranian dissident, was placed under police protection in the UK after police reported received serious threats to his life. Gilles Kepel is under guard. And a professor of Iranian origin, Afshin Ellian, works in Holland, where he is protected.

When he attended a meeting at Karlstad University, in Sweden, in his first public appearance after the Copenhagen café attack, flying over the building where the cartoonist Lars Vilks spoke was, in addition to fifty heavily armed policemen teeth, even a police helicopter.

In Eurabia you get used to everything, even helicopters for artists.

Because we have become so accustomed to the West of safe spaces, of the "safe spaces" claimed by snowflake students in universities, that we have fallen without realizing it into the West of “safe rooms”, safe rooms that have turned out to be the tombs of our failed tolerance.

In this Europe to come, the delightful Eurabia, there will be no bulletproof vests for everyone and we will only have three choices: submit to Islam and save our lives; become invisible by giving up freedom in exchange for quiet, La Boitie's famous "voluntary servitude", like the rich passenger on the Titanic who buys a seat on the last lifeboat; and for those few brave ones, to continue fighting, but knowing that the bulletproof vest didn't even save Benazir Bhutto.

If we remain on the defensive, the multicultural blanket will always be too short.

Giulio Meottiis an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of 20 books, including "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone Institute and Die Weltwoche. He is also a Middle East Forum Writing Fellow.