IDF soldiers
IDF soldiersMichael Giladi/Flash90

Netanel Ellinsonis a fighter in the Reconnaissance Platoon of the IDF Paratrooper Brigade.

How are you, my beloved?

All is well.

(Breathes deeply, hides her longing.

She knows that if he thinks that all is well

It will be easier for him)

And you, my darling?

All good..

(He sweeps his misgivings away

If she knows all is good, she will be happier)

That's the way the two of us

Lie to each other

Out of our love for each other

After all, our Sages said

That one can lie for peace

And now

It is a time of war

This poem is taken from a new book, Hineni, a collection of poems of the spirit and writings of IDF soldiers, men and women, and written by them.

Hineni Cover

Eliaz Cohen

Most of the poets included are in active service during the current war, some as reservists and others as regular soldiers.

The book is a cooperative project of the Chief Commanding officer of the IDF Education Corps and the poetry magazine "Mashiv Haruach" - Returning the Spirit (paraphrasing the prayer Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem" - He who makes the wind blow and the rain fall. Note that "wind" and "spirit" are the same word in Hebrew), writes its editor, well known Israeli poet Eliaz Cohen.

Translated from Hebrew by Rochel Sylvetsky