Rav Michael Edrei, rabbi of Kfar Maimon and a teacher at the Har Etzion Yeshiva, spoke about how his village was miraculously saved from the massacre on October 7.
"I heard a huge explosion. The terrorists brought down a helicopter at a distance of 300 meters from the village's fence, and that saved us. The helicopter was hit but the soldiers were not, and they came out and killed the terrorists," Rabbi Edrei told Kol Hai Radio.
"It was an enormous miracle, Divine intervention. We woke up to a loud noise and I thought it was 'their usual.' An announcement was made in the village to stay updated and go into the protected rooms.
"We began to hear gunfire very close by, we had never heard it like that. Later, we understood that around 9 in the morning there were Yasur helicopters (Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallions) above our home, literally 10 meters away, after a few seconds I heard a loud explosion and I didn't know what it was.
"Unfortunately, the terrorists brought down a Yasur helicopter 300 meters from the village's fence, behind the cemetery, and that is what saved us. There was a company of paratroopers who were on their way to help in another location, the helicopter was hit and nothing happened to the pilots and the fighters. They landed in the fields straight into the battle, where there were dozens of terrorists and they killed them. Some of them they apparently chased away from there. In the fields of the village there were dozens of bodies of terrorists - [as it says,] 'A thousand will be stationed at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand,' (Psalms 91:7)."