Watching the release of hostages, it becomes clear that the narrative of the ongoing war in Gaza is spinning out of control, as Hamas resumes its ability to set the news agenda with messages that the always-sympathetic foreign media will happily amplify.
And as in the past, the narrative of this war is being overtaken by old anti-Israel themes preferred by the western media.
Much to its dismay, the western media was initially forced to truthfully explain to the world why Israel must declare war following the October 7 Arab massacre of 1,400 Israelis and kidnappings of some 230 men, women, children and the elderly.
That pro-Israel narrative, which was driven by images of Arab atrocities, was happily discarded by the foreign media in under two weeks.
Now, a more familiar narrative is being reported by the foreign media as the story of this war, as Israel is unable to overcome the long-time partnership between Arab propaganda and the foreign media, which has begun working overtime to expose “war crimes” committed by Israel.
Based upon past experience, the IDF now finds itself under a 24-hour-a-day media microscope, as barely educated and poorly read foreign journalists will do as they are told by their employers and only report on how the war impacts the Gaza civilian population.
Also, from past years, we know what stories the foreign media will minimize, including:
- Arab demonstrations worldwide celebrating the beheadings of Israeli infants
- Hamas killings of Arab residents of the Gaza Strip
- Israelis under missile fire
- Diaspora Jewish communities being targeted by Jew-hating Arabs
So, what can Israel do to attempt to regain control of the narrative of this war?
-First, the reason for this war--the kidnappings and massacres--must be presented to the foreign media on a daily basis.
-Also, Hamas must not have access to the international media--not in person and not by phone.
--All communications with the outside world must be cut off in Gaza, including the internet and satellite.
-Finally, foreign journalists should have their access to events and enemy personalities restricted.
For years, Israel and all Jews have bowed before the democratic principles of a free press. However, we have seen that there is no reciprocation, as foreign media has used our democratic tolerances as a club to bloody us.
Indeed, the foreign media’s bludgeoning of democratic Israel far outweighs how the same media reports on a wide variety of horrors committed by totalitarian countries.
Israel’s initial success in presenting its narrative has proven short lived and, if nothing is done, will again descend into a media pogrom centered on promoting the left’s religious beliefs about evil Israel.