The late Elimelech Knoblich, a student at the Belz Yeshiva in Bnei Brak and a resident of Beit Shemesh, died during Shabbat after unexpectedly collapsing last Shabbat. He was only 17 years old at the time of his death.
The deceased spent last Shabbat in the company of the Belz Rebbe. A little while before the Tish - the Friday night traditional gathering, he collapsed and lost consciousness. He was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center in Jerusalem, suffering from internal bleeding in his head.
During the last week the doctors fought for his life, but on Friday night, to the sorrow of his family and friends, he passed away.
His funeral will take place this evening at 10:00 pm from the Sanhedria funeral home in Jerusalem and will pass through the Great Study Hall in Kiryat Belz on its way to the Machzikei Hadat Congregation's burial plot on Har Hamenuchot, where he will be laid to rest.