We pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded and Hashem's protection for the soldiers and citizens of Israel.
אנו מתפללים להחלמה מהירה של הפצועים ולשמירתם של ה' על חיילי ואזרחי ישראל.
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Parashat Noach
Presented By: Rav Mordechai Gershon Written by: Nir Shaul
In Parashat Noach, the flood is described.
1. Where did the dove find the olive leaf?
2. Why according to the Midrash, Eretz Yisrael was not affected by the Flood?
The dove found the olive leaf in the Land of Israel. The Land was not affected by the Flood. Eretz Yisrael is the Holy Land, which does not require spiritual cleansing. The Land expels sinners.
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Tefila Shacharit
Presented By: Rav Mordechai Gershon Written by: Ori Engelman
In the morning prayers, we recite Mizmor Hodu taken from Divrei HaYamim I Perek 16 pesukim 8-36.
1. What is the meaning of the terms “cḥevel” (“portion,” also meaning “rope”) and “nacḥala” (inheritance) which appear in the posuk?
2. Being the holiest Land in the world, why does the posuk use the phrase “the land of Canaan"?
1. The Land of Canaan refers to the material and mundane aspects, while “cḥevel” relates to connecting these aspects to spiritual level and “nacḥala” implies the source of all goodness and blessings.
2. Since the Land of Israel is the source of holiness and blessing, it is the place to elevate the material and the mundane.
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