The committee for investigating espionage software use by the government, headed by Judge Moshe Drori, summoned Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara for a discussion on the committee's powers, but she did not respond, even though she was offered several meeting dates, according to Israel Hayom.
According to the report, the Attorney General, in a letter to the committee, stated that a meeting would only take place after the Supreme Court ruled on the petitions against the establishment of the committee.
At the beginning of the month, the committee summoned the Attorney General to appear at its first meeting, and wrote to her to coordinate a date for the meeting.
If the committee decides not to move forward with the investigation and wait for the meeting, then the position of the Attorney General could mean a delay of months in the committee's work, at the very least regarding ongoing cases.
The petition against the establishment of the committee was submitted by the Black Robe Resistance organization, along with former Shin Bet director Nadav Argaman and former Director General of the Ministry of Defense Amir Eshel.
The petition was submitted after the government approved the establishment of the committee in accordance with the proposal of the Minister of Justice Yariv Levin and despite the opposition of the Attorney General. The Attorney General responded to the demand of the Minister of Justice and approved him to receive private representation in the petitions instead of from her office.