Nikki Haley
Nikki HaleyReuters

The second GOP Debate will take place on September 27th at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Southern California. Although President Trump remains the number one choice of GOP voters, the debate does spotlight and highlight powerful figures in the Republican Party. It is an opportunity to witness politics in motion. It also has brought fresh new faces to the fore.

A Pew Research Center report released this past week cast a negative view of the American political system. In 1994 “just 6 percent” of Americans viewed both political parties negatively. In 2023 28% viewed both parties negatively. There is a growing pessimism and frustration with the way things seem to work. Both parties have to do more to correct the problem. There has to be a much greater emphasis on truth and straightforwardness. There has to be significant more accountability and admission of mistakes. Politics used to be much more honest and telling. It has lost its way.

However, the GOP’s first debate was an exciting departure from politics as usual. One of the reasons was former Governor of South Carolina and former Trump UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. Perhaps it is the feminine touch or just her ability to call things the way they are that gave her an edge over her fellow Republicans on the debate stage. Although President Trump leads convincingly in national polls and is polling at 46% in Iowa, Nikki Haley climbed into third place at 11%. Ron DeSantis remains at 15% in Iowa. I am a firm believer that President Trump will be the Republican Nominee for President in 2024 but it is important to see one of Israel’s great friends gain ground and be heralded for her work on behalf of Israel. She worked extremely closely with Likud stalwart Ambassador Danny Danon during her stint at the UN. She is the only candidate to say over and over again that, “It is not that Israel needs America but that America needs Israel.”

This is a profound but totally accurate revelation that is lost by so many in leadership in America. In a recent interview she said, “He (referring to Vivek Ramaswamy) doesn’t understand America needs Israel. It’s not just that Israel needs America. They are the front line of defense when it comes to taking on Islamic terrorism. They’re the front line of defense when it comes to taking in Iran. They’ve been an amazing partner with us. And as President, I will absolutely have the backs of Israel so that they can have the back of America.”

Nikki Haley is teaching the world a valuable lesson. I hope all American candidates on both sides of the aisle pick up on these invaluable and insightful words.

I fully expect that she will have a prominent role in politics for years to come. I was glad to finally meet her last week in Manhattan. All I could say is keep on fighting and sticking up for Israel. She said she is always underestimated. I think she caught the eye of many in the first debate.