An agreement has been reached with the teachers union for high schools, regarding an end to the teachers' strike.
According to the new agreement, teachers in the higher grades who participate in the Oz Letmura program will receive an advance of 2,400 NIS for a full-time position.
In addition, by December 1, 2023, a detailed group agreement will be written, detailing the understandings reached by the employers and teachers union on August 31, 2023, which allowed the school year to begin as usual.
As part of the interim agreement, the teachers union promised to stop all of the strikes which it had begun.
In addition, the grades which were not reported due to the strikes during the last school year will be reported to the Education Ministry's testing department, so that the students can receive their certificates for completion of the 2022-2023 school year.
Vacations for the upper grades for the new school year will change slightly: Teachers will teach on the Fast of Esther, the day following Passover, and the day following Shavuot, while the days between Yom Kippur and Sukkot will be vacation days.